Thread Number: 94277  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
another hotpoint Empress
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Post# 1189696   9/9/2023 at 15:10 (408 days old) by anthony (uk)        

anthony's profile picture
This is mainly for the Uk members .I saved this machine from the scrap man today and while its in good condition and runs well its on/off switch is broken[stuck in the on position and red button missing] .I know its a long shot but has anyone got a spare . Will post some pictures tomorrow

Post# 1189805 , Reply# 1   9/11/2023 at 13:21 (406 days old) by anthony (uk)        
Made a start

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on this today .the pump was stuck solid so i thought i would do that first .once i got it off the machine and dismantled i found it wasnt in too bad a state .A strip down clean and plenty of lubrication put that right .the wiring is in a bad state and there seems to be oil seeping from the gearbox into the motor [anyone know how the motor comes off?] The stop/start switch is broken [black button missing]so i'm trying to work out how to fit a modern push button switch into the old housing . The chances of getting a replacement are rather slim but if anyone has one im interested. A few pictures to be going on with .More to follow

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Post# 1189857 , Reply# 2   9/12/2023 at 13:45 (405 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Hotpoint Empress

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hello Anthony

Great you have bagged another Empress from the marvelous restoration you did on your early model , this should be easier .

Nowthen, you ,ay luck about the Hotpoint switches , but I cant get to them for a week or so to check , I got a stash of parts from Sam Watson rescued from an old repair shop closing down in East London, well we opened them up and lots of spares we thought we`d never need and there you go, I get it to you as soon as can , they are over at Als in the garage but hes up to his eyes in it at the mo...

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Post# 1189868 , Reply# 3   9/12/2023 at 17:16 (405 days old) by anthony (uk)        

anthony's profile picture
Its great to know you might have one .It must be like Christmas when you come across a load of gear like that / Please let me know when you can get your hands on it

Post# 1189990 , Reply# 4   9/14/2023 at 15:02 (403 days old) by anthony (uk)        
Started the strip down

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today .first i did the wringer .the grease in the gearbox was so stiff i needed two hands to switch it on . got rid of all the old grease and then washed everything with white spirit .Slapped some new grease in and its all working smoothly . next i gave it a rub down ready for paint .While that was drying i started to remove the tub and gearbox .Its taken all afternoon but finally its out ready for a good clean and lube . Its not possible to remove the motor while its in one piece so i removed the field coils exposing three bolts holding the motor housing to the gearbox .I have not disturbed them because there is no sign of any oil getting in that way so once everything is cleaned i will put it back together .I have opened the gearbox just to see what state the oil is in and i have to say its looking good so i am just going to top it up so for those of you who have always wondered what's in the gearbox on an empress hears your chance to find out

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Post# 1189991 , Reply# 5   9/14/2023 at 16:04 (403 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 1190045 , Reply# 6   9/15/2023 at 15:35 (402 days old) by anthony (uk)        
more work today

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filled the gearbox up with oil and put the lid back on then cleaned the outside of it with a brillo pad . there is no oil what so ever leaking into the motor from the gearbox so i recon someone must have squirted some onto the pump in an effort to get it going [all its done is spray it all over the motor and the inside of the cabinet ]The inside of the cabinet has also been scoured ready for a rub down before paint and the wringer has had a coat of fresh white paint. i used up some grey paint on the bottom of the cabinet

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Post# 1190050 , Reply# 7   9/15/2023 at 15:44 (402 days old) by anthony (uk)        
just read all about

anthony's profile picture
slowspins latest escapade and after seeing those lovely black machines i have been wondering what a Black Empress with chrome wringer would look like ?

Post# 1190317 , Reply# 8   9/20/2023 at 13:21 (397 days old) by anthony (uk)        
got a bit more

anthony's profile picture
done today .Motor reassembled and all new hoses fitted . the cabinet has been sanded and primed and i painted the inside with bit of white gloss I found in the garage [we must all have tins lurking with bit of unused paint in them] didn't want to use up the white spray paint .the usual jewellery has also been polished and I found that the plastic insert from an old desk is the perfect fit for the perished rubber ring that fitted the opening for the plug.

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Post# 1190327 , Reply# 9   9/20/2023 at 17:04 (397 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        
Looks better than new

slowspin66's profile picture
A really really fab job . Did you get a new switch sorted ? It’s looking fabulous. Thanks for sharing . Darren

Post# 1190417 , Reply# 10   9/21/2023 at 16:35 (396 days old) by anthony (uk)        
Hi darren

anthony's profile picture
just waiting to hear about the switch . I'm hoping there's one in that box of stuff chestermikeuk has.

Post# 1190558 , Reply# 11   9/24/2023 at 13:52 (393 days old) by anthony (uk)        
Had to

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take the pump off again as its not working properly .Although I have scrubbed and scrubbed the rubber tyre on the pumps pulley it still seem to have oil coming out of it [whoever tried to oil the pump must have saturated it ] causing it to slip so I decided to try fitting a bit of rubber pipe and after tightening the spring its working as it should with no leaks anywhere .I will leave it overnight with water in it just to make sure its watertight also put a washer on the pump mounting post to stop it wobbling .I have to say the machine is so quiet even when the washer is running there is just a low hum from the motor not even a gentle thud thud as it goes back and forth . I was surprised to find the older machine is 2 inches shorter than the other . I forgot to mention that the machine came with its enamel worktop

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Post# 1190878 , Reply# 12   9/29/2023 at 15:25 (388 days old) by anthony (uk)        
Until i

anthony's profile picture
can get a new switch for this machine i have cobbled this together so it at least looks the part .the switches are push on and push again for off so only one needed really but i am fitting two purely for cosmetic reasons. in the last photo the switches are not fitted yet i just put them in position to see if they would look and work properly .All seems well so i will fit them properly tomorrow

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Post# 1190919 , Reply# 13   9/30/2023 at 02:21 (388 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        

slowspin66's profile picture
They look superb ..!!! Keep us posted with your progress . Good luck

Post# 1191389 , Reply# 14   10/6/2023 at 15:47 (381 days old) by anthony (uk)        
still got

anthony's profile picture
pump problems with this machine so I think I will just bite the bullet and fit an electric one .The two buttons on the front of the machine are now two independent switches the red one switching power to the motor so I will use the black one for the pump .changing the subject a little my workshop and machine storage is a big shed at the bottom of a very large garden with just a sink and cold water to play with so when I want to use the empress I have to push it up the garden path to the house or carry buckets of hot water to the shed .last week I saw this little gadget being used on YouTube .At first glance I was quite shocked to see this device in a bucket of water while connected to the mains once I got over that I decided to buy one .today I tried it out on the Empress and I have to say it did very well heating cold water to just below boiling in 50 mins I imagine if left for an hour it would bring the water to the boil . Its made in China so don't know how long it will last[only cost £9.99] and I wouldn't touch the machine while its switched on but it certainly works well enough

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Post# 1191978 , Reply# 15   10/15/2023 at 12:04 (372 days old) by anthony (uk)        
Finaly finished

anthony's profile picture
new electric pump fitted .Its not quite as powerful as the old one but it works perfectly and those new car cooling system hoses are so strong there's no need to mount the pump on anything .Its held in position by the hoses and the added bonus it the extra filter built into the pump .The new switch arrangement is covered in shrink tubing and then a stout plastic bag same with the connections to the pump. I will keep the old pump with the machine just in case it can be repaired at a later date so all is good .The machine could do with a new bottom roller but I probably have more chance of winning the lottery than finding one

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Post# 1192028 , Reply# 16   10/16/2023 at 07:34 (372 days old) by ricky5050 (Durham Britain)        
Great work!

ricky5050's profile picture
Hi I fixed one for a friend and had to do this. The original pump simply leaked the rubber washer and string has perished. But this adaptation works well!

Post# 1192043 , Reply# 17   10/16/2023 at 16:35 (371 days old) by anthony (uk)        
Ricky 5050

anthony's profile picture
that's exactly what's happened to this one .The rubber gland behind the impellor is worn allowing water past it . The water gets onto the rubber drive wheel and it sprays water everywhere and of course it starts to slip

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