Thread Number: 94302  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
Need replacement part
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Post# 1189987   9/14/2023 at 12:57 (316 days old) by Rebsgirl (Missouri)        

I have a Maytag Gyrator Wringer Washer Model # E2L Serial # 21542XJ that I need a replacement part for ASAP as it’s the only washer I have to do laundry. I have already called Maytag and they no longer carry parts this old. Can anyone help me please? A picture of the part I need is attached. Please help! Thank you!

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Post# 1189988 , Reply# 1   9/14/2023 at 13:22 (316 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
They Lehman’s, they used to sell parts for Maytag wringer washers, perhaps they still do. Also, try Cottage Works, they do sell Maytag Wringer replacement parts.


Post# 1189989 , Reply# 2   9/14/2023 at 13:41 (316 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
You're in luck - I have an original NOS diecast K1290 hanger on hand. I'll never use it, so it's yours for the cost of the ride to Missouri from Iowa.

Shoot me an email - my address is in my profile.


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Post# 1190002 , Reply# 3   9/14/2023 at 18:41 (316 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Ben is da Man!

Post# 1190005 , Reply# 4   9/14/2023 at 18:49 (316 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Have a box full of those K1290 hangers and other Maytag wringer parts.

Post# 1190135 , Reply# 5   9/17/2023 at 10:44 (313 days old) by Rebsgirl (Missouri)        

What other wringer washer parts do u have and are they for sale? If so how much?

Post# 1210269 , Reply# 6   7/24/2024 at 18:08 by PredictaTV (Fort Worth TX)        
maytag K1290

Hate reviving an old thread.....but here goes. I've a 1961 Maytag washer with a busted top roller mount K1290 No luck with eBay i got 2 K1359's by mistake. Ooops On this thread Laundress says she's a box of them. Only need 1. Please help

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