Thread Number: 94308  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Salvaging a Maytag A512
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Post# 1190019   9/15/2023 at 05:03 (315 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

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Hey guys, I’ve got a machine that my mum is getting rid of, the transmission is shot and I’m gonna be salvaging, basically everything electrical, including the motor, the solenoid, all the hoses and piping, does anybody have any other suggestions as to what I need to get off the machine?

Post# 1190039 , Reply# 1   9/15/2023 at 14:38 (315 days old) by stuftrock1 (Kentucky)        

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If you're going to part it out, then I'd suggest saving everything and selling all the parts that you don't need/want. There might be someone out there trying to restore an old Maytag but the tub is rusted through and he or she needs a new one, or maybe the agitator is broken or the cabinet is damaged.


Basically, just trash nothing. Parts for these things are getting increasingly more difficult to come by, and donor machines like this are what allows them to still be serviceable. Who knows, maybe someone can fix that transmission.

Post# 1190065 , Reply# 2   9/15/2023 at 19:47 (315 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Yeah but unfortunately mum wants me to get rid of Something

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
And I can’t really do much about that because it’s her house and she wants to get rid of it tomorrow

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