Thread Number: 94352  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Death of ScantPear2004's mechanical Whirlpool Catalyst DD washer
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Post# 1190366   9/20/2023 at 23:07 (309 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)        

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Me and Youtuber (and former) member ScantPear2004 are decent friends online and I just got a call from him that his all mechanical Whirlpool Catalyst suffered an electrical failure and "exploded" The wires are burned on the ends and It was described to me as an arcing and popping sound with a pop and some sparks appearing inside the machine. I have no clue what could have caused this kind of failure, I sure as heck hope it doesn't happen to my 1989 Kenmore 80 Series washer as well. Though ScantPear2004 seems to mess with the controls often so that could have contributed to this failure, I never mess with the controls. I just start the machine and let it go. I would expect this kind of failure with a modern garbage Scamsung washer not a 2000's Whirlpool Direct Drive.

Post# 1190431 , Reply# 1   9/21/2023 at 20:46 (309 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        

blockeight88's profile picture
Is this the kid who is always burping in his videos? Yeah I’m not a fan

Post# 1190435 , Reply# 2   9/21/2023 at 22:33 (308 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
Not sure what would cause such a failure, but it sounds like something is either arcing or shorted out though that would cause the breaker to trip.

Post# 1190479 , Reply# 3   9/22/2023 at 20:47 (308 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
I have seen a couple of his videos and yes he burps alot and farts as well. Not a fan as well. More than likely this guy did the issue to himself with the washer. I have no pity for people that self inflict issues onto themselves.

Post# 1190482 , Reply# 4   9/23/2023 at 01:13 (307 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)        
Replies 1 and 3

maytagneptune's profile picture
I do agree with your points and it does get annoying at times. I do agree that he could put better effort into his videos, Though If you don't like them then please don't watch them (I'm not trying to be disrespectful, just saying) I also agree that he screws with stuff too much. I haven't had issues with my machines at all. I don't screw with the controls when I start the load. I let it go. I think his Calypso will be the next machine to die and mine is still going strong.

Post# 1190489 , Reply# 5   9/23/2023 at 05:46 (307 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        
Reply 4

blockeight88's profile picture
I don’t watch his videos anymore, but he sure will comment on mine with something ridiculous or attempting to correct me in someway

Post# 1190496 , Reply# 6   9/23/2023 at 09:02 (307 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Electrical failure, whirlpool, 2004 catalyst washer

combo52's profile picture
Hi Kelly, I’m not sure what the point of this post is unless you include a model number and maybe some more information about what actually went wrong with this cool washer it’s of little use to anybody trying to learn about how to fix and what goes wrong with machines.

Hire and whirlpool washers around this time had a fairly complex timer, and this may be what failed but that’s just speculation from me.

There were probably only about two models of catalyst top load washers that had a mechanical timer, we saved one for the museum, a whirlpool version, these were much more reliable than the electronic machines that were more popular.

My partner’s mother in Reno Nevada still has a whirlpool catalyst machine like this and it works perfectly. I used it when we were out there at the end of the year.


Post# 1190524 , Reply# 7   9/23/2023 at 20:23 (307 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)        
Reply 6

maytagneptune's profile picture
MOD: GSX9750PW0 SER: CR2808046

Post# 1190551 , Reply# 8   9/24/2023 at 12:24 (306 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        
Reply 6

blockeight88's profile picture
I feel like the above referenced individual thinks his fanbase is a lot bigger than what it actually is...

Post# 1190553 , Reply# 9   9/24/2023 at 13:16 (306 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        
Reply #8

maytag85's profile picture
I’ll admit, my videos in comparison have little to no commentary in them but usually just get to the point. I don’t need to explain in the video since I always put a detailed description of what the wash and spin speed combinations are, wash and rinse temperatures, water level, cycle times etc. Maybe my videos are a bit plain-jane in comparison, but again, I always get to the point to keep people interested and not give my audience the sales pitch so to speak. Maybe there will be some commentary as time goes on, but won’t be any time soon though.

Post# 1190806 , Reply# 10   9/28/2023 at 16:06 (302 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
whirlpool or any other washer

I leave the controls where I set them on Whirlpool or any other washer. Although I am a big fan, the only thing I do is make sure the clothes go under the water as far as messing with the machine. I don't want clothes with dry spots. I have VERY high standards when it comes to laundry.

Post# 1190820 , Reply# 11   9/28/2023 at 20:35 (302 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

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reply 8

yeah i do not talk much no one wants to hear my voice

and the water heater drowns it out anyway

Post# 1190875 , Reply# 12   9/29/2023 at 15:11 (301 days old) by stuftrock1 (Kentucky)        

stuftrock1's profile picture

Isn't that the guy that named his favorite washer "poggers" or something?

Post# 1190884 , Reply# 13   9/29/2023 at 16:31 (301 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Yes it is. I've seen his videos.

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