Thread Number: 95049  /  Tag: Gatherings and Parties
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Post# 1196884   1/10/2024 at 16:46 (198 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        

dominic20's profile picture
hello my name is Dom I have been a washer fan for years since i was 4. im 23 now i would like to get more friends to talk to that are into the same thing. my number is 605-789-8301. call me after 3 pm central.

Post# 1196885 , Reply# 1   1/10/2024 at 17:06 (198 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
It's not a good idea to post your telephone number on a public message board.

Post# 1196888 , Reply# 2   1/10/2024 at 17:16 (198 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
I’d be careful with posting with such information out there.

Post# 1196932 , Reply# 3   1/11/2024 at 16:08 (197 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        
sorry about that.

dominic20's profile picture
hey i would like to know some of you how could i do that?

Post# 1196935 , Reply# 4   1/11/2024 at 16:33 (197 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
The only thing I can think of is to engage in conversations, be articulate in your posts, be persistent and patient. I joined this site in 2017, 2 years later I went to my first wash in which was in NC hosted by a friend of mine.

Post# 1196957 , Reply# 5   1/12/2024 at 02:16 (196 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Lucky you, with me, I have actually never been to a wash-in

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
I’d love to go to one but I’ve never been invited and no one reached out to me

Post# 1196973 , Reply# 6   1/12/2024 at 10:49 (196 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        
Reply #5

maytag85's profile picture
The one I went to back in 2019 was a small wash in, only was me and a few others. Hans came to the wash in since he didn’t live too far. Will (not sure if his handle) and Dave (volvoguy87) also dropped by as well, serviced the Maytags they brought by. Here’s the DE806 that me and Richard (speedqueen) serviced along with a DE306.

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Post# 1196988 , Reply# 7   1/12/2024 at 13:31 (196 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        
i would like to contact some of you.

dominic20's profile picture
is there a way to contact you through email?

i would like to be part of a wash in

Post# 1196990 , Reply# 8   1/12/2024 at 14:38 (196 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
Dominic I agree that posting your telephone number on social media isn’t a wise idea. But there is an alternative that may work well for you to converse with other members. If you can afford an upgraded membership then you would be able to DM other upgraded members via the messaging center.


This post was last edited 01/12/2024 at 16:25
Post# 1196991 , Reply# 9   1/12/2024 at 15:27 (196 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        
Reply #7

maytag85's profile picture
You’ll have to be active and constantly engage in conversations. If I asked to go to a wash in when I joined the site 6 years ago, people would think I was crazy and wouldn’t invite me since I was new to the site and was just a stranger.

When me, Richard, Tyler got in touch back in early 2018, there was a wash-in hosted the upcoming summer but wasn’t able to go do to circumstances at the time. Went the following year in 2019.

You’ll have to post from time to time and just engage in conversations, Picture Of the Day threads for example.

Post# 1197097 , Reply# 10   1/14/2024 at 11:51 (194 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        
how do i up grade my profile?

dominic20's profile picture
my profile has been not upgraded yet

Post# 1197102 , Reply# 11   1/14/2024 at 12:13 (194 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        
Upgrade to Paid Member

dadoes's profile picture
Click this link:  Upgrade Membership

Or look for it at top of any page near the Log-Out button where your user name is displayed.

Post# 1197112 , Reply# 12   1/14/2024 at 13:22 (194 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        
Reply #10

maytag85's profile picture
This is where it’s located. Right below the log out button.

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Post# 1197696 , Reply# 13   1/22/2024 at 16:20 (186 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        
sorry about the delay

dominic20's profile picture
That is a beautiful Maytag dryer very nice.

Post# 1197700 , Reply# 14   1/22/2024 at 16:44 (186 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
Thanks, though it’s owned by Elginkid I believe. Serviced them since Will Moore (not sure what his user name is on here) and Dave/Volvoguy87 brought them to the wash in back in 2019.

Post# 1198069 , Reply# 15   1/27/2024 at 12:27 (181 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        
hey i just rembered something about a old maytag

dominic20's profile picture
so a coulple of years ago at a friends house i found a topless 60s maytag on its side with i huge wasp nest in the tub i really wish i knew how to bring it back to life. i couldn't really tell what year it was without the top i do know it had a powerfin agitator.

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