Thread Number: 95073  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
GE Filter Flo drain pump repair
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Post# 1197236   1/16/2024 at 13:04 (192 days old) by Jr2712 (Maracaibo-Zulia-Venezuela... )        

jr2712's profile picture
Greetings friends.

We all know that drain pumps for our beloved Filter Flos have been in short supply recently. Here in Venezuela I have only managed to get new ones of very poor quality or used originals without warranty.

Have any of you managed to repair a FilterFlo pump? I am referring not only to removing the cover and the upper impeller but also the lower coupling and the main impeller. I would appreciate any comments you can provide.


Post# 1197257 , Reply# 1   1/16/2024 at 19:42 (192 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Genuine, GE Filter Flow, washer pumps

combo52's profile picture
I know that I have more new ones that I will ever use, how many do you need?


Post# 1197314 , Reply# 2   1/17/2024 at 11:05 (191 days old) by Jr2712 (Maracaibo-Zulia-Venezuela... )        

jr2712's profile picture
Hello John, thanks for responding.

Actually for now I would only need one. I just changed the engine and clutch on my FF Spotscrubber and I only need the pump to make it like new.

Thanks again. J.R.

Post# 1197820 , Reply# 3   1/24/2024 at 07:15 (184 days old) by Jr2712 (Maracaibo-Zulia-Venezuela... )        

jr2712's profile picture
Would you be interested in selling one pump?

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