Thread Number: 95088  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
1959 Frigidaire and 1960 Westinghouse Dryers both working!
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Post# 1197392   1/19/2024 at 09:27 (189 days old) by Moparwash (Pittsburgh,PA )        

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From the assembly lines of Dayton and Mansfield respectively, these Ohio-born beauties are drying away!...

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Post# 1197423 , Reply# 1   1/19/2024 at 19:51 (189 days old) by Delco1946 (Oregon)        
Very nice!

Haven’t seen that style Westinghouse before, I like how they decided to suggest there was “computing” involved upon selecting a drying program haha.

Post# 1197441 , Reply# 2   1/20/2024 at 04:50 (188 days old) by Astorobsession (Melbourne Australia )        

Machines worth savouring for life! What great things we (in the west) used to make

Post# 1197493 , Reply# 3   1/20/2024 at 16:37 (188 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

Other than the fancy control panel and trim, and a rectangular rather than oval window, that is like the '63 Westinghouse dryer we had for 10 years.

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