Thread Number: 95089  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Need heating element for 1990 Kitchenaid KUDS230Y1 dishwasher
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Post# 1197401   1/19/2024 at 12:48 (388 days old) by hal (Illinois)        

I am looking for the heating element for a Kitchenaid KUDS230Y1 dishwasher. The Whirlpool part number is 9742172. They are no longer available. I was hoping that someone may have saved one out of an old dishwasher, or knows of someone that sells used dishwasher parts. Thanks

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Post# 1198435 , Reply# 1   2/2/2024 at 13:57 (374 days old) by hal (Illinois)        
Whirlpool 9740724 or 9742172 dishwasher heating element

I put another part number in the subject line for the heating element but it is the same part. I am guessing there is no way to really fix a dishwasher like this. I have tried a few salvage/used dishwasher parts online stores but they don't have any. I realize when certain parts go out on old equipment it becomes difficult to fix and you might as well get something different.

Post# 1198440 , Reply# 2   2/2/2024 at 14:18 (374 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture
KDS 23 dishwasher water heating element

This element apparently was only used on the 23 dishwasher series. I do not have one. It shouldn’t be that hard to find, the element from the older KDS models would fit except the holes are bigger. You’d have to enlarge them in the porcelain tank I do have those elements around.


Post# 1198524 , Reply# 3   2/3/2024 at 20:51 (373 days old) by hal (Illinois)        
KDS 23 dishwasher heating element

Thanks John (combo52) for the information and positive spirit. I have Dremel tool right angle attachments and a right angle die grinder so I could carefully ream the hole out. I would still be a little afraid of cracking the porcelain. What are your thoughts on this?

I do see old KitchenAid dishwashers for sale on Facebook Marketplace. Usually they don't include the model number. Thanks for confirming that only KitchenAid KDS 23 diswashers use the Whirlpool 9742172 heating element. I might have asked about one I saw on Facebook Marketplace for free a week or two ago but I thought I would be able to find just the part. It was a hundred miles away.

I can be patient. You can always wash everything by hand.


Post# 1198533 , Reply# 4   2/4/2024 at 02:33 (372 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture
I will keep a lookout for this heating element. You should be able to use the machine even if the element is bad.

If the machine gets stalled at the water heating point on the cycle just quickly push with the door closed the cancel button until you hear one click, and then push the cycle button you had chosen again and it will skip the heating portion of the cycle and go on through just using your homes hot water. Without the heating element working be sure to run hot water water at the sink next to it before you start the machine. It should still work pretty well.


Post# 1198573 , Reply# 5   2/4/2024 at 20:14 (372 days old) by hal (Illinois)        

I was thinking a little about doing something like that although I am not sure I would have come up with it. When I was troubleshooting that I had power to the heating element but not past it I had advanced the timer with a 1/4" drive ratchet and extension. I was using the ratchet to advance the timer so I didn't have to wait very long to see what was happening. I kept touching the heating element but it never got hot. Since the dishwasher wasn't attached to the countertop I couldn't easily get into the back part of the inside of the dishwasher to see the hole in the element without it tipping.

We always run the hot water before using the dishwasher because it is over 30' away from the water heater. I will turn the water heater, which is electric, up. One of the advantages with these dishwashers is that you can leave the water heater temperature down as the dishwasher will heat up the water. But only if the heating element works.

I appreciate your keeping a lookout for a heating element.

Thanks again,


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