Thread Number: 95113  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Westinghouse slant front washer and dryer question
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Post# 1197632   1/21/2024 at 18:00 (187 days old) by Dj (Gloversville)        

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I want to buy a Westinghouse slant front washer and dryer. They have been painted and really look nice and new. The washer needs a boot and the dryer needs a heating element. Can anyone give me some kind of idea on how hard it is to get parts for these machines? They are a nice set if they can be fixed. It's an expensive set for what the owner is asking for them and then I have to ship them across country. It's a lot of money to waste to not be able to find parts for them,then just have them sit in the cellar.I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas?

Post# 1197652 , Reply# 1   1/22/2024 at 07:44 (186 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

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The door boot for a Westy slant front is not going to be easy to find.   The dryer heating element (if that really is the problem) can be substituted  - I have a complete unit from a 1954 Westy dryer but I am leaving for Brazil for the next 3 months today. 


BUT more than anything, if you do buy the set to have it shipped, the Laundromat tub has to be secured otherwise it will literally fall apart in shipping.  Westinghouse supplied a set of metal braces to secure the bottom of the tub to the cabinet frame and there are holes to bolt the upper counter-weight plates to the upper cabinet frame.    


The very first Westinghouse Laundromat I ever bought was damn near destroyed in transit - these machines are too rare to let that happen to you.  

Post# 1197673 , Reply# 2   1/22/2024 at 10:21 (186 days old) by Dj (Gloversville)        
Thank You

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Thanks so much for the information. It was really a big help in  making my decision.I know the washer was from the East coast shipped out West. Then It would have to come to the east coast for me. Nothing was ever mentioned about the tubs metal braces. That sent  up a red flag for me. He never mentioned that. As much as I want the set, I guess I'll hold of until maybe another comes along someday.Thanks so much again! Have a good trip!

Post# 1197674 , Reply# 3   1/22/2024 at 10:25 (186 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Slant front, Westinghouse washer dryer pair

combo52's profile picture
You never mentioned a model number it’s actually quite easy to get the door boots for the 59 through 63 models.

Paul is correct the washers need a lot of bracing to ship them safely, it should not be hard to get a heating element for any age Westinghouse dryer the older elements can be restrung if necessary.


Post# 1197678 , Reply# 4   1/22/2024 at 12:12 (186 days old) by Dj (Gloversville)        
Thanks John!

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John thank you! I'm on my way out at the moment but as soon as I get home I'll get the model number from the seller. 


I still don't know about the tub braces if he shipped it with them in there. He did say it was on a pallet and it had to be shipped here that way. That's great to know about the dryer.


I'll check that all out and get back to you to see what you think. I appreciate the help. I like the set and would really like it.



Post# 1197741 , Reply# 5   1/23/2024 at 08:39 (185 days old) by Dj (Gloversville)        
model numbers

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The model no. for the washer is L-104 and the dryer is D5 so if anyone out there has the parts,let me know and i'll buy them from you, Thanks!

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