Thread Number: 95116  /  Tag: Twin-Tub Washers
Hotpoint supermatic .One for the UK guys
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Post# 1197677   1/22/2024 at 12:11 (186 days old) by anthony (uk)        

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Hi all
The agitator on my Hotpoint has a bit of play when its working .Its not leaking but the top of the agitator shaft has a quite a bit of play from side to side .yes its worn but can anyone tell me what exactly is worn .Is it the top of the central column [usually black plastic] or is it somewhere else .I also have a problem with the spin dryer brake [spinner takes ages to stop]i have tried to adjust it but when i do it alters the switch setting .example .with the brake cable adjusted up when pressing the spin stop button the lid pops up about half an inch and then drops back down and the motor starts up again instead of coming to a stop. I know its something silly but I just cant get my head around it

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