Thread Number: 95128  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
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Post# 1197780   1/23/2024 at 16:14 (185 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        

dominic20's profile picture
im intristed in just about all of your agitators are you willing to part with some of them????

I want the Montgomery ward black Whirlpool surgilator black roto swirl with gray scrubber cap.

Post# 1197804 , Reply# 1   1/23/2024 at 22:26 (184 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
Wanted or In Search Of threads need to be posted to the Shoppers Square forum index. When wanted or In Sesrch Of threads are posted in the Imperial forum index, tends to clutter it up and cause some confusion.

Post# 1197843 , Reply# 2   1/24/2024 at 16:14 (184 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        
ok sorry

dominic20's profile picture
check the shoppers square i have some thing very rare you mitght want for a belt drive whirlpool. maytag85

Post# 1197846 , Reply# 3   1/24/2024 at 18:00 (184 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
I pretty much already have a small stash of agitators, though I might sell a power fin agitator for a standard capacity Maytag since I don’t really need it plus all the Maytags I have are the large capacity deep tub. I already have a Whirlpool Super Surgilator, Whirlpool compact Surgilator, Maybe Load Sensor dual action agitator, Maytag Dependable Care agitator.

Post# 1197902 , Reply# 4   1/25/2024 at 16:22 (183 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        

dominic20's profile picture
is the whirlpool supper surgilator in use if not i want it if it is do you have a fabric softener dispencer for it if not i do if you want it.
how much do you want for the power fin and does it come with the lint filter.

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