Thread Number: 95169  /  Tag: Twin-Tub Washers
Hoovermatic 5052
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Post# 1198158   1/28/2024 at 15:49 (180 days old) by anthony (uk)        

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saved this the other day .gave £20 worth it for the spares alone .At some point in its life its been squashed possibly by a car causing the cabinet to be out of square and stopping the spinner lid from shutting

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Post# 1198161 , Reply# 1   1/28/2024 at 16:00 (180 days old) by anthony (uk)        

anthony's profile picture
i have taken both motors off cleaned and lubricated their bearings also stripped the pump [it was full of crud]and cleaned and lubed that .Spent the afternoon bending the cabinet back into its correct shape SQUARE. The spinner lid now latches as it should .I have had the spin can out and cleaned the outer tub and then reassembled the thing while greasing its bearings at the same time . The paint tub is how i centre the spin can before tightening the bolts up [will have to have a think about that bent fasia panel

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Post# 1198344 , Reply# 2   1/31/2024 at 13:27 by anthony (uk)        
After fixing three

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leaks i think i have finally got this machine watertight [fancy a hoovermatic that hasn't got at least one drip somewhere] I left water in both the wash and spin tubs overnight and was delighted this morning to find the garage floor still dry. As for the bent facia panel i straightened it out best as i could then i masked off each individual decal and then sprayed it dark brown [3 coats ] and then 2 coats of clear lacquer . its not perfect but its the best i can do .If the floors still dry tomorrow i will do some washing in it and se how it copes . the last pic os of the deep scratch where the car hit it

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