Thread Number: 95170  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
90’s whirlpool washer
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Post# 1198178   1/28/2024 at 19:44 (252 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        

I picked up this old whirlpool washer. A Friend of my dad gave them to me.
I tested it out and noticed right away the “Dog ears” were shot. Motor coupling sounds like they are about to go out. The washer kinda had a vibration when washing.
Washer leans to the right when washing.
To my surprise, neutral drain worked!
The first time I ran it, the rinse cycle wash didn’t work. It advanced through the cycle, but it didn’t agitate at all. I opened the console and blew into the timer and some dust came out. Did two more loads and it worked just fine. Not sure why it did that.

I got a few things to do, to get this old lady working like new again!

Couple questions.

1. What would cause a tub to lean? Bad springs? It was fairly level. Maybe leaned back a little but majority of the Bubble was in the middle.

2. The tub is throwing me off, I thought whirlpool didn’t make the “swirl” holes until the next generation. I thought it was much like the maytags where they had lots of holes in the tub. If so, I wonder if they had a new tub installed.

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Post# 1198184 , Reply# 1   1/28/2024 at 20:54 (252 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
90s direct drive problems

combo52's profile picture
The wash tub can lean for a number of reason. Sometimes the whole frame is bent a little bit from the machine being dropped. Sometimes you can add a spring. If it really bothers you to pull it over a little bit. It’s usually not the three centering springs.

It could’ve had the tub swapped although I tend to think it’s original if you bought a replacement tub they always substitute a white one, so that would not have been a new replacement tub but someone could’ve taken it out of another Machine.

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