Thread Number: 95213  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
i had to have tis
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Post# 1198543   2/4/2024 at 09:22 (305 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        

dominic20's profile picture
i saw this little guy on ebay and said i have to have this.

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Post# 1198546 , Reply# 1   2/4/2024 at 11:08 (305 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

They are cute, aren't they? A lot of us have found them at thrift stores and estate and yard sales.

Post# 1198583 , Reply# 2   2/4/2024 at 23:30 (305 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Is it a salt shaker-or water shaker sprinkler for ironing?Is is pretty neat.

Post# 1198590 , Reply# 3   2/5/2024 at 06:26 (304 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
It’s a water, Sprinkler dampen clothing for ironing

combo52's profile picture
Frigidaire gave these out free for a couple years in the early 60s when you visited a dealer and looked at new machines.

It may be because Frigidaire tangled and spun the wrinkles into clothing so much and they felt they needed to give people away to get the wrinkles out, but it is a very cool thing, and they still show up from time to time at thrift stores, etc.


Post# 1198598 , Reply# 4   2/5/2024 at 11:47 (304 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

We had one when I was a kid. My mom's friend Mary Elizabeth's husband was the manager of a store that sold Frigidaire products, and they gave it to us.

Post# 1198612 , Reply# 5   2/5/2024 at 16:12 (304 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        
i thought i must have it

dominic20's profile picture
i like all washers.

Post# 1198618 , Reply# 6   2/5/2024 at 16:37 (304 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Once Frigidaire started putting the loading instructions and diagram on the underside of the lid showing how the tub was to be loaded as if divided into 4 sections and nothing was to be wrapped around the agitator, tangling was greatly reduced. You, John, said this decades ago. When I wash long sleeve shirts in my front loaders, especially the Creda, they tangle. When a teacher was washing dress shirts in her 1954 Westinghouse, they would occasionally ball up. Our 1958 LK would tangle shirts because of the strong suction for the self cleaning filter on the left hand side of the tub, according to the Sears service man.

Post# 1198686 , Reply# 7   2/6/2024 at 16:43 (303 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        
hey i would like the full size version of this

dominic20's profile picture
im so fasionated with these fridgidaires

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