Thread Number: 95232  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Kenmore Washer Timer
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Post# 1198703   2/6/2024 at 20:42 (370 days old) by kenmore70 (New York)        

I am restoring a Kenmore Cycla Fabric washer from 1956. This is the timer that is on the machine. It may be hard to see in the pics but it's S-6696-1. I also have a picture of the wiring diagram for it. Does anyone know what the new timer number would be as I am guessing these part numbers are old and they transitioned to new numbers. It's a two cycle, non-suds model, two speed motor. Also, does anyone know if still repairs timers? It looks like they might according to their website based on reviews that people have submitted. There isn't anything wrong with this timer, but since it's so old I'd like to be prepared just in case.

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Post# 1198710 , Reply# 1   2/6/2024 at 21:55 (370 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
Here’s the thing about automatic washer timers from my experience. The contacts don’t really seem to wear out (they can) but the cam assembly however, will wear down at some point. If you can find a company that can 3D print a new cam assembly along with a spare timer motor(s), you’ll be set for decades. Just those 2 things alone can resurrect a timer back to life.

Post# 1198723 , Reply# 2   2/7/2024 at 06:51 (370 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
1956 Kenmore washer timer

combo52's profile picture
This was a very good timer back in its day, but it is nearly 70 years old, I would spray the cams with a good quality, silicone, lubricant and use of very light oil on any metal to metal parts. And hope it keeps working.

The company that made this timer became controls corporation, and made very good timers, the part number that begins with an S does change to a newer number I have a book at work that converts those numbers and you could search the converted number. I’ll try to look when I get to work.

How much do you intend to use this washer if you’re going to use it a lot I would install two power relays for the high and low speed of the motor to keep contacts from burning other than that you just have to worry about the timer motor and the escapement etc.


Post# 1198737 , Reply# 3   2/7/2024 at 13:23 (370 days old) by kenmore70 (New York)        
Kenmore washer timer

Thanks John, if you can find the new number for the timer that would be appreciated. Like I mentioned, the old number is S-6696-1. I only intend to do one load a week with this washer, it won't get heavy use.

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