Thread Number: 95236  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Dilemma~Need Sage Advice ;-)
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Post# 1198744   2/7/2024 at 14:52 (299 days old) by Trish (CT)        

I have a 1995 Maytag washer that has been mainly trouble free (I repaired a few easy things), except for occasionally "walking" lol.

But now, the perforated ring of holes in the very bottom of the tub have developed some rust---which is showing up as "lines" on my whites. Need advice on what can be done, if anything to remedy this.

Have tried to find a similar washer, in event aforementioned is terminal, and came up with Maytag MVWP575G or Speed Queen TC5--but would like sage advice from you on these models.
Thank you~

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Post# 1198749 , Reply# 1   2/7/2024 at 17:07 (299 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
Some here had good luck using a white epoxy. I would just find another machine for cheap or free and swap out the tub. Any larger tub from 1966-2006 will fit.

The machine should not be walking. Make sure the rubber feet are there, in good condition, and the legs are perfectly leveled. Otherwise, the damper pads are dry. They are about 10 years off from needing to be lubed. At this point, pull the front cover and make sure they haven't been ripped off the base.

Post# 1198797 , Reply# 2   2/8/2024 at 12:47 (298 days old) by Trish (CT)        

Thank you!
I see various epoxies available, including those sold by Maytag and Rustoleum.
Any one better than another?

Will check out the dampers.
If needed, where to buy replacements?

Post# 1198798 , Reply# 3   2/8/2024 at 12:58 (298 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture

If you do decide to go the epoxy route, which is what I’d try first if this was my washer, I suggest that you use some sandpaper on each of the rusted holes first to get rid of any surface rust.  Then clean off the sanded areas and let them dry thoroughly before applying the epoxy paint.  Let the first coat dry thoroughly and then apply a second coat and let it dry for at least a day before using the washer.   I think you should get good results this way and give you at least some time to continue to search for a replacement tub should the epoxy prove not to hold on and prevent any further rusting of the holes.


Several years ago I repaired rusted areas of a dishwasher rack using epoxy paint and it held up pretty good for 2-3 years before I eventually replaced it with a new DW.  I can’t recall the brand of paint I used,  but I have used Rustoleum epoxy paint in the past on rusted metal on the outside of the house and its held up excellently, preventing a return of the rust, so that would be my recommendation.




Post# 1198802 , Reply# 4   2/8/2024 at 14:24 (298 days old) by Trish (CT)        

Thank you both.
Going to get to work ;-)))

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