Thread Number: 95238  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
ge V12
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Post# 1198770   2/8/2024 at 00:26 by aircub (Huntington, AR)        

I am in need of help and advice. I have a 63 ge v12 filter flo and it started leaking water but only after it has spun most of the water out and seems to be when the tub starts to move more then is when water comes out, looks to be somewhere on the boot. i cant see any place easily. do all filter flos take different boots or are they mostly the same, and where would someone find one? how hard is it to replace? also i was going to take the wash basket out but i cannont get the plastic cone that covers the bolts off and i dont want to break. any and all tips will be helpful!


Post# 1198771 , Reply# 1   2/8/2024 at 00:30 by Aircub (Huntington, AR)        
Tub picture

Here is the plastic cone I can’t get off!

  View Full Size
Post# 1198782 , Reply# 2   2/8/2024 at 06:54 by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
1963 GE filter, flow washer

combo52's profile picture
You have to remove that plastic cone and then take three bolts out and lift the tub assembly out to see the boot. The boot is the same on all filter flow washers from 1961 till the end so they’re pretty easy to find.

It’s best to break that plastic cover off it is not needed, the washer will work without it if you can get it off great but it’s not necessary.

If the machine doesn’t start leaking until it starts spinning, the leak is likely near the top of the outer tub or possibly the gasket between the top of the outer tub and the top of the machine .


Post# 1198783 , Reply# 3   2/8/2024 at 07:54 by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
the leak is likely near the top of the outer tub or possibly the gasket between the top of the outer tub and the top of the machine

I agree with John completely on this. You may not even have to get the wash tub out. The first thing to do is pull the machine out and with the back cover off observe the outer tub during spin/drain and see if you can determine where the source area of the leak is.

Post# 1198857 , Reply# 4   2/9/2024 at 01:43 by aircub (Huntington, AR)        

I was the small clap on the boot had come off! put back on tightened and seems fine.

Thanks for your help and support! i am back to filter floing!


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