Thread Number: 95295  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
i am verry courious
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Post# 1199383   2/15/2024 at 17:18 (234 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        

dominic20's profile picture
how does the frigidaire jet cone fabric softener dispencer work with the up and down agitation???

Post# 1199385 , Reply# 1   2/15/2024 at 19:01 (234 days old) by Jr2712 (Maracaibo-Zulia-Venezuela... )        
GM Frigidaire FS dispenser

jr2712's profile picture
Hello Dominic, I have also been wondering the same thing for a long time. I have never seen a GM Frigidaire in person.

GM of Venezuela never sold the 1-18 here, the last washing machines that arrived here were the towers from 1957 and they were very few.

By the way, would anyone be interested in selling a 1-18 at a good price? Having one is one of the dreams that I would like to fulfill before I die.

Post# 1199404 , Reply# 2   2/16/2024 at 00:02 (234 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

I will try this once again. I lost all of the text the first time. Unlike the Three Ring agitators that used a dispenser that sat inside, the jet cone agitators used a hard plastic dispenser that sat on top. The first ones were a cylinder-shape about 4" X 4". Unfortunately, the cycles with the slowest spin did not spin fast enough to drive the softener up and out of the cup. The dispenser was redesigned into a flatter, saucer shape. Both had a blue plastic cap that protected the softener during agitation. Unfortunately, the hard plastic body of the dispenser did not deal well with the agitation and the screws that anchored the brackets to the agitator broke loose and no glue that I used held the screws for the metal brackets very long.

Post# 1199467 , Reply# 3   2/16/2024 at 16:27 (233 days old) by dominic20 (Souix falls)        
hey Jr2712

dominic20's profile picture
i recently heard about a 1-18 in a junkyard in arizona dont know if you want to restore it i believe it is copper tone.

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