Thread Number: 95297  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
1973 Hotpoint dryer squeaking
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Post# 1199393   2/15/2024 at 20:12 (294 days old) by harvestgold73 (40962)        

Hello, I'm writing for assistance with my beautiful '73 Hotpoint dryer festooned in harvest gold.

The dryer drum spins quietly, both by power and by hand, when the unit is cool. It starts squeaking upon reaching operating temperature, both by power and by hand.

Any advice as to what is causing the noise, and what can be done? Thanks in advance ...

Post# 1199415 , Reply# 1   2/16/2024 at 06:31 (293 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Squeaking 1973 Hotpoint dryer

combo52's profile picture
Most likely, the rear Teflon bearing is worn out, the dryer at this age should be completely disassembled and cleaned anyway, if it hasn’t seen thorough maintenance in a long time.

The rear bearing is still readily available. If you catch it early enough, you only have to replace the little Teflon piece. Otherwise, you may have to replace the whole bearing assembly if it’s worn too far into the metal.

When it’s taken apart to clean, clean the motor very carefully, the cooling openings in the motor tend to get packed with lint in these older dryers and then the motor will overheat and either cut off on you or fail sooner.

Good luck with it John

Post# 1199436 , Reply# 2   2/16/2024 at 10:40 (293 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
I agree with John, more than likely the main drum bearing is more than likely worn causing the noise. GE still uses a similar design to this day albeit a bit cheapened. Also would be a good idea to clean the insides of the machine out for a preventative measure.

Post# 1199561 , Reply# 3   2/17/2024 at 18:42 (292 days old) by harvestgold73 (40962)        

Thank you so much, this place is an invaluable resource. Glad to know I can remedy it, I've already replaced the FilterFlo pump on the accompanying washer.

Would either of you have a part number for the correct GE bearing?

Post# 1200286 , Reply# 4   2/27/2024 at 05:40 (282 days old) by harvestgold73 (40962)        

Before I buy, can anyone confirm bearing kit WE25M40 as the one I need? Thanks so much.

Post# 1200288 , Reply# 5   2/27/2024 at 06:29 (282 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
GE Dryer Rear drum Bearing

combo52's profile picture
That is the correct # for a complete bearing replacement, however unless you have really run this a very long time while screeching long you only need the little bearing itself Pt # WE3X75 which is less than $15.


Post# 1200353 , Reply# 6   2/27/2024 at 18:22 (282 days old) by harvestgold73 (40962)        

Excellent advice, thanks!

Post# 1201703 , Reply# 7   3/17/2024 at 15:38 (263 days old) by harvestgold73 (40962)        
GE Dryer Rear drum Bearing

Dryer is running smoothly and quietly now! While in there I vacuumed all the lint, found a petrified rat and lots of what looks like bird feed it had carried into the bottom of the unit.

Thanks again for the help! I've included photos of my harvest gold pair.

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Post# 1201709 , Reply# 8   3/17/2024 at 17:01 (263 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Pic 4, what's the labeling on the scrubber in the lid?  Collar & Cuff?

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Post# 1201716 , Reply# 9   3/17/2024 at 19:42 (263 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        

peteski50's profile picture
That is a nice set you have. We had the 1977 TOL set with back open lid and hand wash adj that was a great set also. The dryer was the big capacity unit!

Post# 1201719 , Reply# 10   3/17/2024 at 19:56 (263 days old) by rpms (ontario canada)        

rpms's profile picture
No picture of the rat?

Post# 1201723 , Reply# 11   3/17/2024 at 23:06 (263 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

Very nice set! We got new laundry equipment in the summer of '73, and I remember going with my parents to Swallen's to look at machines. They were a long time Hotpoint dealer, and had these models on display. Also looked at Whirlpools there. They decided on Maytag, partially because the dryer door swung the correct way for the arrangement. They were bought at the hardware store that was a Maytag dealer (the one I worked at during the summer of '77).

Post# 1201789 , Reply# 12   3/18/2024 at 19:14 (262 days old) by harvestgold73 (40962)        

It does indeed read "Collar and Cuff."

The rat was absolutely vile, flung it to the moon lol

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