Thread Number: 95343  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Kenmore dishwasher C110 773000 - missing part?
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Post# 1199952   2/22/2024 at 17:55 (330 days old) by dlb (BC, Canada)        

I just acquired a vintage Kenmore dishwasher, model # C110773000, and I'm wondering if it's missing a part on the top rack. I've tried looking up pictures of it online but can't find any info on this particular model #, so I'm wondering if anyone here is familiar with them.

Here are some pics. Most are of the front of the washer, just for fun because I think it looks cool. The spot that looks like something is missing is the center of the top rack where the circular metal clip holds the spinning thing in place. Then there's a picture of the blue space ship thing on the ceiling of the washer, is that just to direct the water back down at the racks?


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Post# 1199956 , Reply# 1   2/22/2024 at 18:38 (330 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Looks normal to me. Nice dishwasher.

Post# 1199982 , Reply# 2   2/23/2024 at 06:18 (329 days old) by Cam2s (Nebraska)        

Lovely older Kenmore dishwasher. Styling is quite different than the American models. All looks to be normal. From the pump the water goes through the lower washer arm, then the lower bellow in the hub rises under and pressure and mates to the center feed tower. The tower directs water to the upper spray arm. Notice the cup underneath to catch the spray. The water goes to the actual arm and what’s left is directed out the jet in the very top in the hub of the arm. The jet is directed at the deflector hanging on the roof to spray the top of the upper rack. Notice that the jet is angled so as the arm the rotates the spray pattern will change too.

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Post# 1199993 , Reply# 3   2/23/2024 at 10:05 (329 days old) by dlb (BC, Canada)        
thank you!

Ah, that's the good news I was hoping for. Thank you for that, and for the pictures of yours for reference!

I don't use this forum a lot but man, when I do, it's one of my favourite. I would never have guessed there would be such a dedicated group of old appliance enthusiasts. Three cheers for!

Post# 1199997 , Reply# 4   2/23/2024 at 10:28 (329 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
First of all, there are two completely different dishwashers in this posting. The first being the original poster from Canada and that's an older Wirlpool product with possible Power Clean design. And that one looks perfectly normal. The 2nd dishwasher posted by Cam2s from Nebraska. I got a stupid question/point to raise because I might be missing something obvious. The bottom wash arm appears to be a good ol' KitchenAid hydrosweep wash arm. From my usual knowledge, there isn't an ability in that arm to send up a directed stream of water to eventually "connect" with the upper wash arm and top of tank diffuser. So how does water get up to the upper wash arm to result in water spraying and cleaning the upper rack.

Post# 1200009 , Reply# 5   2/23/2024 at 13:07 (329 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture

Bob, in KitchenAids with the upper wash arm (18 series onwards) there was a supply tube at the rear of the tub which linked to a spray arm in the upper rack for multi-level washing.   Amazingly I _still_ don't own an 18 series... LOL 

Post# 1200028 , Reply# 6   2/23/2024 at 17:05 (329 days old) by Cam2s (Nebraska)        

I have a wash arm from a 24 series KitchenAid, which was completely based on the power clean system, on mine because why not. The wash arm will fit on any power clean module regardless if it’s a tower fed or direct feed set up. The bellow from the tower fed and the hand screw used on a direct feed units have the same threads. The 23 series KitchenAid also had a power clean pump but stillhad the Hobart style mounting hub and would not work here.

Post# 1200177 , Reply# 7   2/25/2024 at 14:14 (327 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

Completely normal and nothing is missing, what an absolute beauty she is! I didn’t think by the exterior it would have the powerclean wash system, what an upgrade that is. Also, that upper arm was used in the later end 90s Whirlpools and Kenmores as the first upper thunderbolt arm like this they used had no top stem for water flow to be jetted up at the roof deflector, so that’s another interesting thing, that stem definitely helps to get water flow onto the tops of the glasses and whatnot in the upper rack as they mentioned above. Would love to hear a video of this one running this is a RARE “Ultrawash”

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