Thread Number: 95639  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Gripe about European washers: Why are short/quick options always low spin ??
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Post# 1202878   4/6/2024 at 02:48 by Novum (Ireland)        

There's one thing I really don't understand the logic of. Almost without exception, European washing machines have a short wash / fast wash cycle for refreshing a small load of clothes. It can be quite useful for a few t-shirts or something very lightly soiled and those cycles are widely used.

What I never understand though his why you can't include a full spin cycle.

Some machines capable of 1600 rpm for example will only let you select half that on a short wash and they couple it with a very short spin time, which results in very poorly wrung clothes.

It just seems a bit pointless when your aim is speed - often you might want to dry the item quite quickly too, yet typically it means having to run the clothes through a separate full speed spin cycle.

Surely in these days of highly flexible electronics, even if it increases the wash time by a few mins, it should be possible to optionally include a full speed spin.

I know they want to market some ludicrously short cycle like 15-20 mins, but it should be possible to simply add options or just have a rapid with max spin cycle.

This post was last edited 04/06/2024 at 03:07

Post# 1202881 , Reply# 1   4/6/2024 at 07:29 by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

If you want your cycle to be done in 15, 20 or 30 minutes, the worst thing happening to you is eternal balancing.

Add to that those specific cycles are ment for only a few items or worse a single item which means more chance of balancing issues and you see why lower spin cycles are usually common on those kind of partial load refresh cycles.

If you give the machine lets say 1h, the WHOLE thing looks different.

AEG had 1h cycles with full spin for ever.
So has Miele. So has BSH.
Now we even have 40min cycles running at full spin speed.

And with the advent of things similar to SingleWash that makes that even more efficient.

You simply only can do so much in 30min and I think many underestimate the difference between spinning at 800rpm and 1600rpm in terms of balancing requirements.

However I do agree that certain manufacturers have a bit of a narrow minded view on such stuff.
Adding an extra rinse should be possible on basically any cycle.

Post# 1202892 , Reply# 2   4/6/2024 at 10:55 by Novum (Ireland)        

Throw a few T-shirts into a Miele on 1600 and it won’t take more than 10 mins.

Most machines only get into balancing issues with bulky items, which aren’t suitable for quick wash anyway.

Speaking of confusing and bad interfaces…

I was trying to use a Hotpoint washer dryer earlier on and it was like a combination between setting a 1980s VCR and safe cracking!!

A lot of these companies could really do with improving their user experience.

I’ve an older relative who literally can’t use her washer dryer because she can’t work the controls. Seems there’s zero interest in making machines suitable for older customers who’ve challenges with those kinds of interfaces.

Post# 1202895 , Reply# 3   4/6/2024 at 12:21 by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Only takes 10min - on a 20min cycle that's a ton.
And it's a Miele - what do you expect?
Miele allows 1200rpm on their 20min cycle.

My VZug allows 1600rpm on its 30min cycle - it's not that it's not possible AT ALL, just that's not easy.

Post# 1202896 , Reply# 4   4/6/2024 at 12:48 by Lavamat_jon (UK)        

The best quick cycle was on the Mieles pre-W1. In 30 mins you’d get a wash, 2 rinses with spins and a long spin at max speed. You could add an extra rinse too which made it 37 min. It is annoying that express on the newer machines isn’t as flexible, but then pre-W1 Mieles were much less fussed about balancing with the smaller tubs so could get away with spinning smaller loads unbalanced.

The AEG PowerCare we have allows you to do max speed on 20 min 3kg, but it only rinses once so like the current rendition of the Miele express cycle is pretty much useless when it comes to rinsing.

The LG lets you select max spin on speed 14 but it does increase the cycle time accordingly. Turbowash 39 mins also spins at max.

If you select mini load in the Siemens IQ700 provided you’ve a load of less than a kilo it will give you a cycle in 35 mins on cottons with the 1600 spin.

I believe Haier/F&P/Hoover Candy let you select max on the rapid cycles now too. Beko also do max speed on their daily quick and super short cycles with the option of an extra rinse.

So the options are there, if you look for them.

I do wonder though if a lot of the complaints about heat pump dryers taking too long are often from those who shove everything on a 20/30 minute wash with a short spin and then toss them straight into the dryer.


Post# 1202901 , Reply# 5   4/6/2024 at 14:25 by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Beko's daily quick has one annoying quirk though.
You can select 1400rpm on the 1400rpm models, but 1600rpm models often limit you to the speed one below max, so usually 1200rpm.

I just checked an AEG manual earlier today and was honestly confused if the 20min cycle going to full speed was a misprint, but now that you confirm it, yeah, nice.

LGs and Haiers super quick cycles are in general the best IMO.
LGs does pretty decent rinsing with just some spraying and water changes.
Haier does great distri rinsing and even an interim spin.

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