Thread Number: 99
Nice POD, what year is it?
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Post# 45253   9/17/2004 at 13:32 (7,428 days old) by i70sn80sguy ()        

I'm guessing the POD is like 1969 or 1970. Does Anyone know when GE bought Hotpoint and did they ditch the original appliance designs right away in favor of GE models with Hotpoint logos or was that a gradual thing?

Post# 45254 , Reply# 1   9/17/2004 at 13:57 (7,428 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
This has to be more mid-70's as that is a GE design washer & dryer pictured in the lineup below. Hotpoint made washers ended in about 74-75.

An aunt of mine had a very similar d/w to the POD model, hers was a few years old (and avocado) but had only one dial and printed graphics on the panel like this. I loved listening to that d/w run, that bottom spray arm had lots of power and with no insulation around the machine or door panel, lots of audio drama! The arm was a Hotpoint design - black tubular with long slots for water spray, not large round holes on the flat arm like the GE design.

Post# 45257 , Reply# 2   9/17/2004 at 14:18 (7,428 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
Nice POD, what year is it?

peteski50's profile picture
I remember those Hotpoint machines - Very noisey. To me this seems like a early 70's. Because as I remember by the late 70's most dishwashers had the energy saver dry switch. These basic models were installed in apartment buildings in new york. After all a land loard isn't going to buy quarlity for a tenent.

Post# 45269 , Reply# 3   9/17/2004 at 19:39 (7,428 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
POD is from 1975

unimatic1140's profile picture
Actually the POD is from 1975. In ‘72 when I was a kid we moved into a brand new development of houses in central New Jersey . Most of the houses were equipped with this inexpensive Hotpoint "builder" dishwasher, but a version or two earlier. My parents opted out and got a Middle of the Line Maytag DW, but I also remember hearing this DW run at some of the neighbors homes and I agree with Pete, it was a loud dishwasher.

Post# 45274 , Reply# 4   9/17/2004 at 20:33 (7,428 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
My sister had a similar dw in an apartment and I had a mid-late 60s versoin in my first apt. in college. Yup greg, you're right. I had forgotten about that black wash arm and the long slits. It did have pretty good spraying power. Some friends of mine moved into a brand new apartment, built in 1973, kinda upscane in a way. The HP dishwasher there must have been the next to last or last year. It had a black plastic control panel and said whisper quiet. Had normal & short cycles on dial. It actually was much quiter than mine and wash phases were longer. And yes, you largely heard just the calming droan of the motor and the swish swirl of the water action.

Post# 45282 , Reply# 5   9/17/2004 at 21:43 (7,428 days old) by cehalstead (Charleston, WV)        

We had a 1953 Hotpoint Electric Sink....the instruction manual stated that Hotpoint was a division of the General Electric Company back then....guess Hotpoint has been a GE company for a long time...

Post# 45305 , Reply# 6   9/18/2004 at 10:53 (7,427 days old) by i70sn80sguy ()        
Noisey DW

Always apartments. In '88 I lived in an golf course community apartment that was built in '69. When I moved in it had all the original avacodo GE applis including an actual GE dishwasher very similiar to the one in the POD, floating knob on door panel ugly metal handle at top. When I ran it for the first time it sounded like an air plane was landing on the roof. I thought it was defective. Luckily the managers were replacing appliances and replaced the refrig and DW. I had no idea that they actually were that load. It was made with an all metal tub and as was mentioned no sound insulation.

Post# 45507 , Reply# 7   9/21/2004 at 04:53 (7,424 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Hotpoint history

GE has owned Hotpoint since at least the 20's.

Hotpoint was started to use the excess power generated to run the trolley system of the Ontario & San Antonio Heights Electric Railway in Ontario, California (about 40 miles from Los Angeles). There were no electric utilities in those days, so electric railways had to build their own generating plants, and the excess power beyond what was needed to run the railway was often sold The system was later part of the World's largest electric railway system, the Pacific Electric

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