Maytag Commercial Washer MVWP575GW Warranty Repair


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Tag: Modern Automatic Washers

Maytag Commercial Washer MVWP575GW Warranty Repair
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Post# 1028285   3/29/2019 at 10:30 (2,146 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    

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My Maytag Commercial Washer started making a clicking/clanging noise in the spin cycle a couple of weeks ago.  I assumed a suspension rod was the culprit, so I scheduled a service call.  The technician came this morning.  He checked out a few things and then declared that the noise is a transmission issue and that the transmission will need to be replaced.  He said they've been replacing quite a few of them. 


I'm not convinced that's the issue but it is under warranty.  So now, they need to order parts.  When those come in, they'll come and pick it up and take it to the shop for three or four days.


Good thing I still have my 1967 Maytag in the garage!

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Post# 1028289 , Reply# 1   3/29/2019 at 10:51 (2,146 days old)
by DE409 (Maryland)    

Ugh, I was looking at these two years ago and didn't bite when I realized they used the same sprung inner plastic tub set-up that the cheaper 'Tags use. Sucks to hear they are having problems. Wanted a Speed Queen but those were discontinued already and replaced with the newer model thats no good either.

Post# 1028290 , Reply# 2   3/29/2019 at 10:59 (2,146 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Maytag Washer MVWP575 Problems

combo52's profile picture
We sold one of these to the local veterinarian clinic a year ago and the transmission is toast, it will not agitate at all.

While these washers perform pretty well they are not going to hold up to heavy use 1/2 as well as the SQs or the WP DD washers did.


Post# 1028300 , Reply# 3   3/29/2019 at 13:05 (2,146 days old)
by DE409 (Maryland)    

All you had to do was tip the SQ slightly in the display and you could feel the extra weight of all the solid construction. The Maytag Commercial looked old-school but felt cheap.

Post# 1028334 , Reply# 4   3/29/2019 at 19:11 (2,145 days old)
by Supersurgilator (Indiana)    

Ok I'm a bit confused because I didn't think these machines had transmissions?

Post# 1028341 , Reply# 5   3/29/2019 at 20:07 (2,145 days old)
by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)    

it is a reduction gearbox-4 pinion planetary type :)Gearbox part is pretty decent-gears even run in oil.Spin shaft bearings get ruined when crappy seal leaks water-tried to replace bearings on a VMW transmission assembly once,but very difficult to remove damaged bearings with out bending up the sheet metal housing.Housing halves are "staked"together,but those are easily drilled to replace with screws if you get to the reassembly stage...

Post# 1028344 , Reply# 6   3/29/2019 at 20:45 (2,145 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    

combo52's profile picture

The planetary gear box is a simple design, BUT it is a bunch of very small plastic gears and seams to be part of what is now failing on these washers.



Post# 1028345 , Reply# 7   3/29/2019 at 20:48 (2,145 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    

eurekastar's profile picture

I've looked at some photos of that Gearcase online and it doesn't appear that it was designed to be serviced but simply replaced.

Post# 1028346 , Reply# 8   3/29/2019 at 21:12 (2,145 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

How reliable has the control panel (electronics) been on this washer?

Post# 1028350 , Reply# 9   3/29/2019 at 22:23 (2,145 days old)
by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)    
1 out of 3 in my experience..

of the 3 broken VMWs I have worked on,first one,a '10 cabrio,had faulty PCB:a bad capacitor was found and replaced.
-'10 cabrio:faulty PCB (bad capacitor)
-'10 Bravos:bad tub seal,bad transmission-junked this,was also scuffed and grubby.
-'13 Centennial:bad lid lock-fixed with lid lock salvaged from the Bravos :)

Post# 1028351 , Reply# 10   3/29/2019 at 22:24 (2,145 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

dadoes's profile picture
Are there any topload washers through history that didn't have a transmission / gearbox?

Frontloaders nowadays don't but some in the past had a speed-changer / gearbox mechanism.

Post# 1028354 , Reply# 11   3/29/2019 at 22:32 (2,145 days old)
by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)    

Only ones I can think of is Philco-Ford,Pre-WCI Kelvinator,and F&P Smartdrive :)

Post# 1028372 , Reply# 12   3/30/2019 at 07:45 (2,145 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Gearless TL Washers

combo52's profile picture

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Whirlpool Cabrios, Maytag Bravos, And Kenmore's built over the last ten years or so.


Basically all the better models with the floating basket, these used a lot of F&P patents and technology, but were much better built machines than the F&Ps. F&Ps had cheap plastic tops, diverter valve problems, inlet valve problems and pump problems.


Unfortunately WP has gone to less reliable top load washers with a mode snifter and reduction gear boxes on current even TOL models because the DD motor can be 1/2 the size and the motor is far the most costly part of these washers, this is why these cheaper VMW models use a belt because they can use a much cheaper to build more conventional motor.



Post# 1028384 , Reply# 13   3/30/2019 at 10:27 (2,145 days old)
by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)    

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I don't know of any European front loader that had a transmission. The general design here was separate motors for each task. Low speed models often had two motors, high speed models three, one for washing, one for spinning and one for the pump.

Post# 1028401 , Reply# 14   3/30/2019 at 13:30 (2,145 days old)
by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))    

There were certain models of a verry specific time frame that used a transmission on one of the motors.

No idea how, which and what for, but there was certainly the talk about "Getriebemotoren" on several YT videos.

Post# 1028402 , Reply# 15   3/30/2019 at 13:33 (2,145 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

A lot of this may be marketing, but the Maytag mvwp575gw is supposed to have a triple lip seal, which should extend the life of that part and reduce leaks leading to even more issues.

The Maytag mvwp575gw seems to share many parts with the commercial series. When I look up those part numbers, they are different than similar parts used in the models sold for residential use in the big box stores. Hopefully, they have been upgraded since this *seems* to be the same commercial model for residential use except it has more options including a presoak and/or extra rinse and a different agitator.

When reading any post like this I am trying to figure out if apples to apples or apples to lemons are being compared.

The vertical modular washers have the advantage of being easier to service and share parts. With this comes the disadvantage of parts including a mode shifter, splutch, belt, etc. that will need to be replaced periodically. Gone are the days where one just has to replace a $2 part like dogs in the same period of time. However, that mode shifter is the reason why the tub and agitator can move independently. I would not trade that for the more durable design of the SQ 2018 agitub design.

I am being careful not to overload mine.

I am curious what fixes the original poster's issues. I just hope it is an isolated incident. If THIS Maytag mvwp575gw turns out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, Maytag will probably not gain the public's trust again.

Post# 1028405 , Reply# 16   3/30/2019 at 14:22 (2,145 days old)
by stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)    

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Scratch this one, that is unless they are planning on upgrading the under spec’d components.
Where’s Thomas Ortega when you need him?

Post# 1028409 , Reply# 17   3/30/2019 at 15:11 (2,145 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

The Maytag mvwp575gw is supposed to have upgraded parts including a 1/2 h.p. vs. lower h.p. motor, 7-rib vs. 5-rib belt, premium bearings, 60 watt vs. 45 or 50 watt capacitor, and more. This has been verified. When I look up other parts like the gearcase, the part number is also different than what can be found on models sold in the big box stores. The commercial residential model, mvwp575gw, is comparable to their real commercial top load models sold for commercial use. The only obvious difference is the model for residential use has an extra knob for presoak, extra rinse, or both AND features a dual agitator instead of a flex vane.

This Maytag mvwp575gw should not be confused with their "commercial technology" labelled products that are sold in the big box stores. However, it is not going to last as long as the older washer designs. I do expect to get about 10 to 15 years out of this model with no major repairs or about twice what I would expect to get out of one purchased at the big box stores. At least mvwp575gw has enough water and wash action to actually clean the clothes.

With that said these new energy changes seemed to influence a change in design of the washers themselves. Simple and reliable mechanical controls have been replaced with electronic controls, which seem to have a higher failure rate as well as being more expensive to replace. The vertical modular washer have their advantages and disadvantages. The new design makes it easier to repair and get parts for, which is good. The new design also meant some parts have been replaced with plastic or parts that wear/tear easier. Not good. The new government regulations were passed with good intentions but no one must have actually researched what the end results would be. These regulations have crippled most washers performance and resulted in more energy and water waste :-(.

Post# 1028420 , Reply# 18   3/30/2019 at 16:38 (2,145 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Maytag Washer MVWP575 Design

combo52's profile picture

Hi Pink, I love your enthusiasm for this new washer, But it is still a s..t design, I could not imagine buying and using one, there are just much better options if you want a traditional washer, used comes to mind.


First of all it is much harder to work on than WP DD washer, parts are also much more expensive.


They upgraded a few parts, the heavier belt and better water seal may help, the 1/2 HP motor is just marketing hype, there has never been a motor failure in a washer because the motor is too weak or small, in fact washers with bigger motors usually suffer more repair problems. This washer still has the same bearings and gear box shaft sizes etc, same cheap tub cover, outer tub and flimsy suspension springs.


There is a commercial version of these washers and THEY ARE NOT HOLDING UP WELL AT ALL, ask any commercial laundry provider, very few of these are being sold for real commercial use. My brother is maintaining 16 of these washers in a near by condo building and they are not doing well.



Post# 1028425 , Reply# 19   3/30/2019 at 17:11 (2,145 days old)
by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)    

foraloysius's profile picture
I have only found one video where they mentioned that. I'll link it here. It doesn't look like there is a transmission connected to that motor.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO foraloysius's LINK

Post# 1028431 , Reply# 20   3/30/2019 at 18:00 (2,145 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

Hi, John!

I understand. I agree with you, but I do think the Maytag mvwp575gw is one of the best new washers available today. It has plenty of water, great wash action, and I was able to get around ATC.

Most people purchasing these are under the stress of just trying to get the washer replaced as quickly as possible. The last thing we want to do is purchase a fixer-upper that we know nothing about. Laundromats where I live are $4 to $5 a load. Service calls are too expensive to buy a used one that needs repairs. At least this one does have a five year parts AND labor guarantee. I admit, I am treating mine with kid gloves.

If I lived close to Eugene Pallas or Kirk Rivas, I would gladly purchase one of their refurbished machines and/or at least be able to get them to fix one I might find on my own. I don't. However, if it was not for them, I would have purchased a Maytag from a big box store that would have left me seeing red. I had NO idea they had gotten this bad. Really bad. 4" of water? Some of the clothes do not even go under water.

As a single parent, there is nothing more disheartening then spending this much money only to find out it is nowhere near the quality of even the Whirlpool set I had twenty-five years ago that lasted 15 years with only replacing dogs. Like most consumers, I had bought into the front load is better especially since a relative was happy with theirs. The LG I had was OK. I was one of the fortunate ones and only had to replace a rotor and drain pump (drain pump was due to daughter leaving a bobby pin in her pocket). I had to disassemble the top, control panel, and front just to replace the drain pump. To replace the bearings that went out at ten years meant removing almost every single hose, screw, wire harness, etc. I knew I wanted a simple top load again.

I am praying that Speed Queen will tweak their newest washer design or find a way to offer the "Classic" Speed Queen as a no-frills choice for us that just want mechanical controls.

I am watching this post with much interest. Thank to everyone who has responded, I have learned some new stuff, but not enough to go buy a used one yet... I am still debating on whether or not to get an LWN432 while I still *may* be able to. It is risky and a lot of money for me.

Thanks again to everyone!

Post# 1028437 , Reply# 21   3/30/2019 at 19:02 (2,145 days old)
by IowaBear (Cedar Rapids, IA)    

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Even in my small city there are usually decent looking DD washers advertised as working for $125 or less.  Sure they need cleaned up but what a great value most of them are.  I will probably never buy another new washer.

Post# 1028439 , Reply# 22   3/30/2019 at 19:39 (2,144 days old)
by cornutt (Huntsville, AL USA)    
Transmission-Less TL Washers

The GE Harmony is direct drive. I think that goes for the LG Hydrowave too.

Post# 1028444 , Reply# 23   3/30/2019 at 19:55 (2,144 days old)
by RP2813 (Sannazay)    

rp2813's profile picture

Don't let anybody pry your hands off of that '67 Maytag.  It will outlast your so-called "commercial" model many times over.

Post# 1028450 , Reply# 24   3/30/2019 at 20:16 (2,144 days old)
by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)    

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i fully agree never let your old maytag washer go it will outlast today models as well as save you lots of money if say in 10 years you have to replace your commercial maytag you can rehook as a daily driver your 67 maytag washer

Post# 1028475 , Reply# 25   3/30/2019 at 23:12 (2,144 days old)
by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)    
I still can't believe

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the environmentalist movement isn't all over these new "energy efficient" appliances that end up causing the environment MORE harm than good. Even though a 1967 Maytag is not energy efficient, I'm sure that when all is said and done, it's more environmentally friendly than the latest/greatest for the mere fact that it lasts decades and is repairable vs something new that if you're majorly lucky will last 5 to 10 years.

I've loved my Duet Front Load that is now 14 years old. I was told when I bought it that I'd be lucky to get 5 years out of it MAX. I do not want a TL washer after having my Duet all these years. I just wish someone made a reliable front load washer that has a heater because how much longer can my Duet POSSIBLY LAST??

Post# 1028500 , Reply# 26   3/31/2019 at 06:38 (2,144 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    

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I stopped by a local used appliance dealer a few months ago and he had tons of NEWER washers sitting outside.  I asked him where he gets them.  He said that most of them are haul aways that he picks up from Home Depot and Lowes.  He also had older stuff but most of the inventory seemed to be newer vertical modular stuff by Whirlpool, etc.

Post# 1028522 , Reply# 27   3/31/2019 at 09:28 (2,144 days old)
by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)    
@reply 25

That Duet might(likely will)run a long time yet-my He3 is about to turn 18 and no signs of trouble yet though inlet valve will seep at times.

Post# 1028527 , Reply# 28   3/31/2019 at 10:54 (2,144 days old)
by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)    

pierreandreply4's profile picture
as a tech that repaired the duet dryer that my mom and i own its best to keep or older machines they will out live the newer machines of today if for x reason duet washer needed to be replace witch i hope not would try to fine A direct drive washer like in the pic or a vintage 1976 canadien kenmore washer dryer set even if the vintage set would be harvest gold

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Post# 1028560 , Reply# 29   3/31/2019 at 16:56 (2,144 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    

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I have a Whirlpool DD and a Maytag 606 sitting in the garage.  Both are in perfect shape.  If this new Maytag completely craps out, I'll be good to go! 


Plus, I have an old GE Filter-Flo waiting for some attention.  I suspect parts for it will be harder to come by.

Post# 1028664 , Reply# 30   4/1/2019 at 12:11 (2,143 days old)
by johnb300m (Chicago)    

johnb300m's profile picture
This is seriously disappointing.
I thought, like we all did, that WP was taking this washer seriously.
Apparently they have not.
If anything, the warranty costs will tip their hand.
Hearing this adds fuel to the fire of my slowly ailing Maxima FL.
Very dissatisfying indeed.
Is WP TRYING to hand the market over to LG, SS????

I still love WPs kitchen appliances.
But I’m officially done with their laundry stuff.
They have given up.

Post# 1028675 , Reply# 31   4/1/2019 at 15:50 (2,143 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    

eurekastar's profile picture

It makes me wonder if they've corrected their quality control issues with this transmission or if the service techs are just slapping on the same old transmission when warranty repairs are done.


Post# 1028677 , Reply# 32   4/1/2019 at 16:53 (2,143 days old)
by Maytag85 (Sean A806)    

maytag85's profile picture
Ever since Whirlpool came out with the new BD washers in late 2010 early 2011, the quality has tanked ever since. Sometimes I browse my local or Los Angeles Craigslist to see if any vintage machines pop up, and there are a lot of Used WP/KM DD machines, but I haven’t seen as many of the newer BD machines on Craigslist, and I have a feeling that a lot of the newer BD machines have been junked since they are very problematic as they age

Post# 1029140 , Reply# 33   4/6/2019 at 17:24 (2,138 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Maytag Washer MVWP575 Design

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We replaced the stripped out transmission today in the almost 1 year old MT MVWP575, here are pictures of the old transmission, we drilled out the punch rivets and opened it up.

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Post# 1029143 , Reply# 34   4/6/2019 at 18:24 (2,138 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    
Pictures 6 through 8?

What would you would have told the customer about what you found? Since I don't repair washers for a living, I just know it does not look good at all! However, it looks OK until I get to pictures 6 to 8, which shows worn and rusty parts? What happened? Do you think it may have been overloaded? Did the seal leak?

Did you replace it with the same part number? It looks like some of the part numbers have changed for whatever reason. Looks like this needs to be one of them. I believe the 0 at the end of my model is because mine is from the first batch (not sure if there are revisions yet or not). This concerns me a lot.

I don't see how this design would work for commercial use at all, but it did seem like it would work OK in a residential setting.

All I can say if this washer turns out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, Whirlpool/Maytag has lost any chance of redeeming themselves. While I still think this is better than their HE washers, this is disheartening.

This week I also threw another 2-year car battery to the landfill because my car manufacturer wanted to save a couple of bucks. I should mention this is the replacement for the first that lasted almost exactly 2 years. Oh, and then there are the name brand tires that gave out in less than two years because the dealer claimed "customers prefer soft rubber for a smooth ride". Talk about bait and switch. These looked like the real Michelin tires, but they were far from it tread wise. Hello, I prefer twice the miles and the same ride I would have if I had to purchase the tires again myself, which is what I had to do. I would like to take a truckload of all of these washers, tires, batteries, printers, other appliances, etc. and dump it where these lawmakers are. Sorry. I know this is off topic, but this is awful :-(.

I am not big on front loaders, so I sure hope Speed Queen makes a comeback with their top load model.

Thank you for sharing.

Post# 1029166 , Reply# 35   4/6/2019 at 23:38 (2,137 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    

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The fact that the transmission is riveted together is the first clue that Whirlpool didn't design the gearbox to be serviced but only replaced as a unit.  I just looked at the parts diagram for this model on a parts supplier website and that verified what I thought.  None of the gearbox parts are sold individually. 


A few months ago, I stopped by a local used appliance dealer and he had dozens of Whirlpool vertical modular washers sitting around that he's picked up from Lowe's and Home Depot.  It's a shame that Whirlpool has designed a washer that is so cheap that it ends up being scrapped in five years or less. 


I was hoping to get many years of service out of this Maytag.  However, I imagine I'll be scrapping it after five years, because there's no way I'm going to pay $250 to replace a gearbox or $350 for an electronic control board after the warranty expires!


The irony is that these complicated and over engineered designs are partly to meet government environmental standards.  With so many of these bypassing the recycling yard and ending up in land fills, I'd say government regulations designed to protect the environment are a dismal failure. 


It's a good thing I have a 1967 Maytag and a 1989 Whirlpool DD sitting in the garage! 

Post# 1029167 , Reply# 36   4/6/2019 at 23:49 (2,137 days old)
by johnb300m (Chicago)    

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I would hardly call these over-engineered.
If anything, they were made with a factor of safety of 1.1.
And a design scheme of fast, cheap assembly.
And probably cheap parts that Purchasing foisted upon the engineering dept.

Post# 1029258 , Reply# 37   4/8/2019 at 08:27 (2,136 days old)
by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)    
reading through this post

mark_wpduet's profile picture
is just depressing :(

Post# 1029407 , Reply# 38   4/9/2019 at 22:33 (2,134 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    

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Well, they picked up the old girl yesterday.  The technician called today and said it is ready to be delivered tomorrow with the repair complete.  He said they replaced the gearbox, the splutch (not sure what that is), and the actuator.  I guess Whirlpool/Maytag requires the splutch and actuator to be replaced with the gearbox.  Don't know. 

Post# 1029415 , Reply# 39   4/10/2019 at 00:09 (2,134 days old)
by Maytag85 (Sean A806)    

maytag85's profile picture
It is disappointing how you can’t buy traditional top loaders anymore. I mean this is getting ridiculous, and how the commercial coin op Whirlpool washers don’t hold up, and need constant repairs to keep them going. I remember being at Best Buy around Christmas time, and a customer was asking if they sold top loaders with mechanical timers, the sales person who was there said they didn’t sell them, and the only place you could buy them from was used appliance stores and markets, and that gives you an idea of how some people want the old school top loaders with mechanical timers back.

Post# 1029419 , Reply# 40   4/10/2019 at 04:26 (2,134 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

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Maytag85:  ... and that gives you an idea of how some people want the old school top loaders with mechanical timers back.
"Some people" is a key point.  I've had a fully rebuilt Kenmore 90 direct-drive (new tub support/centerpost bearings, basket drive/brake/agitate bearings, transmission serviced with new agitator shaft, neutral drain kit, and fresh oil) for sale for months, no interest.

Post# 1029420 , Reply# 41   4/10/2019 at 04:47 (2,134 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

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EurekaStar:  He said they replaced the gearbox, the splutch (not sure what that is), and the actuator.
Splutch = splined clutch.  It and the actuator (mode shifter) change the drive mechanism function between agitate and spin.

Post# 1029431 , Reply# 42   4/10/2019 at 07:49 (2,134 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Maytag Washer MVWP575 Design

combo52's profile picture

Glad they are getting it fixed, Buy why did they remove it from your home ?


This is an easy less than one hour repair and WP does not pay transportation costs to and from the shop, be very sure they don't try to charge you anything.


It is not necessary to replace the Splutch or shift actuator, but the servicer can replace anything they want as long as they don't get carried away and WP comes after them, you can ask for the old parts if you want but when under warranty they do not have to give them to you but often will.



Post# 1029451 , Reply# 43   4/10/2019 at 09:55 (2,134 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    
why did they remove it from your home ?

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The technician just said it would be easier to repair in the shop.  He didn't really give me an option but mentioned nothing about transportation charges.

Post# 1029481 , Reply# 44   4/10/2019 at 13:39 (2,134 days old)
by johnb300m (Chicago)    

johnb300m's profile picture
I was actually told this too.
IF I wanted to go through with fixing my ailing Maxima, the local MT store wants to only do it if they can bring it to their shop.

Is this new?

Post# 1029498 , Reply# 45   4/10/2019 at 16:37 (2,134 days old)
by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)    

mark_wpduet's profile picture
how old is your Maxima and what's wrong with it? Just curious? If you posted this info somewhere else on this site I must have missed it.

Post# 1029559 , Reply# 46   4/10/2019 at 23:36 (2,133 days old)
by johnb300m (Chicago)    

johnb300m's profile picture
Hi mark.
You can see the convo here.

Oh and I’ve posted here too:

Post# 1029597 , Reply# 47   4/11/2019 at 14:29 (2,133 days old)
by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)    

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Thanks - So basically all Whirlpool and Maytag FL washers are alpha now? Meaning mostly non-repairable? Amazing. I've always trusted Whirlpool for the most part over the years, but that trust is fading fast. I know it's not the fault of the engineers.

Post# 1029599 , Reply# 48   4/11/2019 at 15:03 (2,133 days old)
by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))    
Non repairable

You have to consider that 80% of people would not dare or want to change bearings themselfes.

But calling an engineer to do that - even on the easiest to do design I know of here in the EU which dosen't even require removing the tub from the machine - takes at least 30min in labor, plus parts and drive to the customer makes that an easy 300$ job at the cheapest.

And that is on a metal tub design with a bearing cross you could remove with just 3 bolts.
A non-option on plastic tubs.

So takeing out the bearing replacement was probably the least intrusive way to cheapen the machine overall as that repair barely ever shows up in their repair statistics as nobody really did them anyway.

It's sad, but probably the least sad way to do it.

Post# 1030262 , Reply# 49   4/19/2019 at 11:02 (2,125 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    
Haha! It's Back!

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Well, the washer worked just fine for a few loads with no untoward  noises.  But guess what?  The same noise is back!  laughing  Getting mad does no good.  I don't want to keep sending it back to the dealer for repair, so I'll just keep using it until it just won't run.  Who knows?  It may last through the warranty period.  However, when it started making the noise the first time, it got louder and louder and vibration eventually became noticeable.

Post# 1030263 , Reply# 50   4/19/2019 at 11:18 (2,125 days old)
by DE409 (Maryland)    

Wow, that's pretty poor. So much for my hopes of upgrading to one of these someday!

Post# 1030298 , Reply# 51   4/19/2019 at 18:44 (2,125 days old)
by stchuck (Winfield, il.)    

One year of ownership. No troubles so far however I am no longer optimistic about the longevity after reading these posts. Darn. I will say its getting noisier already when agitating (clanking when tub and agitator changes directions). I'm really happy with the way it cleans. I guess I fooled myself into thinking they were going to take the market by storm with this washer. Turnover is truly excellent.

Post# 1032349 , Reply# 52   5/10/2019 at 21:41 (2,103 days old)
by Stchuck (Winfield, il.)    

Washer magically turned on all by itself and pump runs continuously and won’t respond to anything. I am glad I was home but now actually believe it’s junk quality. What if I wasn’t home and it ran all day and possibly caught fire? I’m stuck with it and will have it repaired but will never leave it plugged in. I’m the type that will now plan to get rid of it at some point. Anyone thinking about purchasing this model should forget about it.

Post# 1032373 , Reply# 53   5/11/2019 at 08:18 (2,103 days old)
by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)    
@ Stchuck

eurekastar's profile picture

Sorry to hear that!  I had two warranty repairs for the same gearbox issue within ten days of each other.  Both times, they took the machine to the shop for three days.  That's why I purchased a home style Commercial Speed Queen set and converted them to the older 9 Series by swapping the control panels out. 

Post# 1032374 , Reply# 54   5/11/2019 at 08:45 (2,103 days old)
by stchuck (Winfield, il.)    

I woke up and immediately went down and plugged the washer in... pump immediately turned on. After fiddling with it and plugging it in and unplugging it I finally got the pause cancel button to work and it stopped the pump. I was able to wash two loads, after the two loads it wouldn't agitate or spin. Same routine, plug and unplug and fool with the pause cancel button and its running again but for how long who knows. I am irritated as he__. If its running fine when service comes they will say nothing is wrong with it. I should probably leave it be but have quite a bit of laundry to do, if possible.

I am already scanning other washers online but it would be ridiculous to junk this when it has a five year warranty so I am going to have to deal with the aggravation, I guess.

Post# 1032377 , Reply# 55   5/11/2019 at 09:42 (2,103 days old)
by gizmo (Victoria, Australia)    
front loaders with transmission...

Hi Louis.

Siemens definitely made a motor for front loaders that had a "transmission". Would have been 1970s or early 1980s? I have the remains of one in my shed, not complete. They use a two-speed induction motor, drive through a 10-to-1 reduction gear, to a large diameter cast iron pulley. The pulley is hollow and has a centrifugal clutch inside it. Here is how it works:

Slow speed -Slow winding is energised, motor turns at slow speed, something like 1440 rpm. The motor drives through a 10-to-1 reduction gearbox, turning the cast iron pulley at about 140 rpm. The belt drive to the drum is approximately 3-to-1 pulley ratio, so the drum turns a bit under 50rpm. => WASH. Motor reverses, so tumbling reverses.

fast speed - Fast winding is energised, motor turns at fast speed, something like 2880 rpm. Drive continues through the gearbox and pulley, initially driving the pulley at 280 rpm so drum turns at a bit under 100 rpm, a short burst of a distribute speed. But at the higher speed the centrifugal weights move outward, pressing the clutch surfaces against the inner face of the hollow cast iron pulley.
The clutch bypasses the reduction gear, so the cast iron pulley starts to turn at motor speed - 2880 rpm. This gives a drum speed of around 1000 rpm. => SPIN.

It is a very elegant solution to giving a faster spin speed than you could get with the 2 speed induction motors used in cheap Italian machines of the time, without the noise and unreliability of the brush motors of the 1980s. It would have been expensive to make, though.

I have one salvaged from an early Asko or Asea front loader with the drop down outer door. I used to work nights and more than 20 years ago I was driving home from work one night when I saw an unfamiliar machine dumped at the roadside for a hard rubbish collection. It was a Constructa, built like a tank and it had the same motor. I had no hope of lifting it into my car and I tried to salvage the motor, but I didn't want to wake anybody at 2am so when the bolts were too tight to remove easily I reluctantly left it there. Constructas were never sold here so it must have arrived with someone moving to this country.

My Asko 12004 had another Siemens motor, again 2 speed without any electronic controls, induction motor for slow speed and brush motor for high speed, and I have never really understood how they work as they are NOT two motors in line on one shaft like Miele used, they are two different technologies working in one motor. I have a couple of salvaged ones and should pull one apart one day just to try to understand it...

Final mention is for the good old slant front Hoover Keymatic. They used a reduction gear on the motor, giving a fast pulley for spin and a slow pulley for wash. Each pulley drove a separate belt to a separate pulley on the back of the drum, and each pulley had a one-way clutch so driving clockwise drives the drum and the pulley turning anti-clockwise doesn't drive, it just idles. To change from wash to spin, the motor reverses, meaning the slow pulley now idles and the fast pulley now drives.

Post# 1032384 , Reply# 56   5/11/2019 at 11:19 (2,103 days old)
by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)    

foraloysius's profile picture
Thanks for pointing that out. I had a Keymatic myself. duh! It's not what I had in mind thinking of transmissions in washing machines, but you are right. Apologies to Henrik ofcourse.

Post# 1032498 , Reply# 57   5/12/2019 at 23:21 (2,101 days old)
by Spinmon (st. charles mo )    
dang it...

I had told a friend about the 'Tag 575 when his 24 year old WP was needing at least a timer. Yep,''The Maytag is what I'd buy'' I said.

Two days after telling him this,I see the '19 SQ 'Classic' here. I immediately called him and said "I know it's more $$,but the SQ is a KNOWN quanity, made of metal and that Maytag is plastic guts city" longer warranty or not. I told him about video's to watch-he saw SOME,mostly in the 575's favor. I told him of my complete satisfaction with my AWN542. But..

He said he talked to the salesman (independent appliance store) and though they also sell SQ,the salesman felt confident in the 575 and that the SQ Classic would be another $150 or so when it actually arrived at their store.

My friend said the Maytags-washer and dryer- would be delivered 5/8/19. I have not talked to him about his new machines since delivery. Wish I'd seen this thread prior. Yikes! The saga begins...

Post# 1032506 , Reply# 58   5/13/2019 at 06:23 (2,101 days old)
by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)    

frigilux's profile picture
Wow! So not only does the Maytag ‘commercial’ washer have looks only a mother could love, it is also proving itself unreliable? Once again, SO glad I purchased a SQ Series 9 just before they were discontinued.

Post# 1032659 , Reply# 59   5/14/2019 at 19:53 (2,099 days old)
by stchuck (Winfield, il.)    
It gets better

Same problem as listed above, it recurred. The "5 year warranty" that I thought was bumper to bumper is actually limited. The store I bought the machine from wasn't sure the repair would be covered and said it would be 200.00 to walk through the door plus parts if not covered. This progressed to a discussion with Maytag(whirlpool) who also stated it was a limited warranty and implied that electronics may not be covered. Without going into all of the drama, I will have another discussion with them but it is clear that they don't stand behind their product, don't care if it poses a fire hazard, and don't care that the unit is just a little over a year old and can't be used.

Don't buy this washer, its crap. Honestly it is. It may look great and may wash great but its not commercial quality by any means. I made a mistake. I am paying for it. Don't know where this will end up but at the moment I would like to toss the machine out the back door.

In a way I feel like a fool, it was really nostalgia and what I thought was a reiteration of a machine I loved as a child with more modern internal technology. Ha. I am officially done with nostalgia and will not buy another top loader, not even speed queen. Had one in the past and wasn't wowed by it. If I don't get it repaired not sure what I will purchase. Had a speed queen front loader and had two service calls in two years, it was good but not a consistent performer. Enough of my rant. Have a good evening everyone. Just wanted to communicate the update.

Post# 1032666 , Reply# 60   5/14/2019 at 21:35 (2,099 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Maytag Washer MVWP575 Warranty

combo52's profile picture

Has a 5 year warranty that covers ALL PARTS & Labor with in home service, READ your warranty, if someone told me that electronics were not covered etc I would be on the phone so fast with MT-WP, again READ your warranty there are no exclusions for ANY parts and labor when the machine is used in normal household conditions.


If service is refused demand your full purchase price back from the dealer you bought it from.



Post# 1032670 , Reply# 61   5/14/2019 at 22:20 (2,099 days old)
by Maytag85 (Sean A806)    

maytag85's profile picture
If I ever had a newer style of the so called “commercial washer” Maytag washer, and when it and if it broke after 5 or so years, I would just send it off to the crusher since it’s not worth fixing them if the repair(s) aren’t guaranteed, and most newer Whirlpool VMW are just money pits when things go wrong. I am surprised Whirlpool hasn’t been sued for their terrible quality and reliability.

Post# 1032677 , Reply# 62   5/15/2019 at 06:57 (2,099 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    
stchuck RE: Drain Pumps & Also Comment About Pods

Are you able to check and see if there is anything stuck in the drain pump? Most likely whatever it is would have gotten under the plastic part of the agitator at the bottom of the tub. I have seen other videos of similar washers where the coins get under that piece. If the washer was overloaded, something could have gotten in between the outer and inner tub to made its the way to the pump that way?

I sometimes use that Snuggle scent booster. Although one can put these "pods" (detergent or scent booster) into the washer, I would not. I cut the package and pour the contents in. Even if placed in the bottom, these do not seem to completely dissolve! It dissolves into a jelly-like substance. I could see this clogging the pump too.

Post# 1033558 , Reply# 63   5/24/2019 at 19:40 (2,089 days old)
by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Transmission out of a five-year-old Maytag commercial

combo52's profile picture
Pictures of the old transmission.

  Photos...       <              >      Photo 1 of 3         View Full Size
Post# 1033567 , Reply# 64   5/24/2019 at 20:43 (2,089 days old)
by LowEfficiency (Iowa)    

lowefficiency's profile picture

>> We replaced the stripped out transmission today in the almost 1 year old MT MVWP575,
>> here are pictures of the old transmission, we drilled out the punch rivets and opened it up.

John, for those of us who don’t know, what specifically is the failure point of these transmissions?

I might be missing something, but it looks like the plastic gears and everything internal to the unit are in good shape, as are the short plastic and metal splined shafts on one side of the trans. Is it just rust damage on the shallow splines of the tub and agitator output shafts that causes slippage on one of those connections?

Post# 1033584 , Reply# 65   5/25/2019 at 05:40 (2,089 days old)
by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    

combo52's profile picture
Hi Dave, the transmission that we took a part that I put pictures up of earlier in this thread, the gears looked pretty good but they did slip when we put them under heavy load as it does in the washer but the wear was not immediately apparent when you take it apart.

I am not gonna bother taking apart this rusty mess in fact it’s going to hit the scrapper this morning when we clean out the shop Later this morning.


Post# 1033614 , Reply# 66   5/25/2019 at 19:18 (2,088 days old)
by LowEfficiency (Iowa)    

lowefficiency's profile picture

That's a bummer. I wonder if they, either by design, materials, or manufacturing faults, didn't get the sizing correct on the gears? (Such as fractionally undersized planets?) Or perhaps the outer ring gear, being plastic, has enough flex to distort and be pushed away from the gears when under load?

Either way, if those gear issues were resolved in a part revision, the severe rusting issues evident on the tub and agitator shafts makes it look like they would be right in line to fail next. It's just not going to last either way.

Post# 1086345 , Reply# 67   8/24/2020 at 15:33 (1,632 days old)
by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)    
No more Maytag Commercial for me and my Relatives

maytagneptune's profile picture
I now don't feel comfortable recommending this piece of garbage to my relatives. Speed Queen TC5 or LG WM3400CW or WM3900HW. I would rather service them. I will now NEVER Work on a Vertical modular washer. The only "VMW Style" machine I will ever work on again. If it is really this cheap then Forget it.

Post# 1086445 , Reply# 68   8/25/2020 at 06:19 (1,631 days old)
by Oldschool88 (NJ)    

The pics of the rusted output shafts are disgusting. Bad triple-lip seal, or just bad engineering of the tub seals in general?? Pic below is the dead transmission from my Maytag Atlantis MAVT754EWW after 15 hard years of rust or corrosion anywhere.

  View Full Size
Post# 1086446 , Reply# 69   8/25/2020 at 06:23 (1,631 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    
About this washer...

Many people on this board trade washers like most people trade out their cell phones.

I have nothing to gain or lose by posting this. I don’t sell or repair washers for a living nor do I get an incentives for anything I may post. However, I am an actual consumer of this product with real experience, and I try to buy things I can fix myself.

This washer just works and has for over two years for all types of loads for my kid and pet friendly house from the messiest outdoor wear to delicates. It has a dual-action agitator. This means not only does the tub and agitator move independently but so does the top and bottom of the agitator. This results in a wash action that moves the clothes down, in, and through the water much better. Compared to these agitator washers where the only the tub and agitator move in different directions or especially the plate washers, there is no contest when it comes to really dirty or bulky clothes. This washer got even got out a noticeable amount of dirt an LG front load left behind. The LG FL wasn’t a bad washer, but it simply could not move the bulkier item through the water instead it just tumbled the folded item through the water.

All main cycles have true tap hot water if selected. The biggest quirk is the only half tub fill for smaller washes is the Normal cycle. There is no true “hot” for it. It is the only cycle that mixes in cold when hot is selected resulting in a barely warm wash. You can thank the well-intentioned but poorly researched energy regulations passed for this. Now it takes more water, chemicals, time, and energy to do these loads because there is no water level selector now. There is one advantage though. Consumers are now more heart healthy as they have found ways to haul buckets of hot water or device their own methods to add hot water to that cycle just as I have :-).

The Normal eco cycle also has a spray rinse, but it surprisingly works well. Don’t like it. Simple just run two normal cycles one with detergent and one without. You’ll still be under an hour. In fact without any options chosen, Normal cycle is 25 minutes (great for small loads/quick washes). The longest cycle is Powerwash at 45 minutes. Presoak is ten minutes, if added. You’re still under an hour for ANY load.

Need to pause the washer longer than ten minutes. Just make sure the lid is closed and keep it closed. Soak away! Or disable the lid lock, which is not recommended for household with small children, disabled adults, or curious pets that may be able to access washer.

Nothing is made of quality anymore. Instead it is about selling more in less time because people want cheap stuff. The result is these throwaway designs are filling up our landfills quickly. You see this throwaway design on tires, batteries, printers, and appliances.

Almost all are only made to last ten years or less. This one will probably last closer to ten years for the person who uses it right. It is not a commercial washer despite its name.

They all have control boards behind those mechanical looking knobs. This Maytag has one and the SQ TC5 has TWO.

I think the SQ TC5 is overall better but you pay for that. However, I don’t think it is years better. Its life will be limited also by bearing and not being able to find those control boards later. SQ does not make their truly best washer anymore, which were the mechanical ones. They do have a better balancing system, but wash like items with like items and you’ll have no problem with the Maytag either.

The Maytag has a parts and labor warranty that is good for FIVE years INCLUDED in its price. The SQ TC5 has a three year. SQ is going forward with it TR series model. This model is geared toward office and delicate wear clothing. I can do that with my less than $200 portable washer. It may not last a long but I can just buy them more often, if needed. The TC5, which washes other types of clothes better, probably won’t be available much longer due to upcoming stricter upcoming energy regulations (unless that has changed).

The vertical modular design does make it easier for the consumer to replace parts. This washer shares its parts with many of Maytag’s true commercial (not commercial technology) washers, so hopefully they’ll be cheaper and easier to find later. This “commercial” washer does have upgraded capacitor, belt, motor, bearings, etc. when compared to the commercial technology models.

There is no justification for the pricier SQ dryer.

When this washer breaks and it is no longer feasible to repair, I am hoping thomasortega will have still have some simple mechanical washers that will fit my needs and maybe some new designs to consider as well. At least one manufacturer is listening.

Post# 1086447 , Reply# 70   8/25/2020 at 06:46 (1,631 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    
So many variables too...

I mostly use powdered or liquid detergents—Tide or Persil are my favorites. The commercial version I was using went up in price once COVID hit, so no more of that for now. I occasionally use bleach. I don’t use fabric softener at all. With cold rinses in almost all washes, I think one is asking for trouble. These are not true commercial washers, but I do think it is a better made residential washer.

The bottom line is this Maytag is the overall second best washer one can buy right now. You are trying to compare this against the older, reliable models that are NOT made anymore even by SQ. SQ TC5 may last a little longer but not the years longer as suggested. Most consumer do NOT have access to buy parts for cost or can do the repair work themselves. I won’t argue this. As for me I know I made the best choice at the time I needed a new washer. My other choice was the TR series. When the TC5 can no longer be sold, THIS Maytag is what you are left with. At least its design can continue to be manufactured. Take it or trash it. Your choice. I personally buy a washer FIRST for clean clothes.

If I needed a new washer, the TC5 would be my overall top choice because of the half load option for the main cycles, no ATC, and that is made better. That does not mean this Maytag is garbage. Now that I have the Maytag, I honestly don’t know that I would be as happy with the TC5 because I love how clean my bulkier and dirtier items get with the dual action agitator. I could replace this washer if I wanted. Instead, I am going to continue to use it until it breaks beyond repair and then see what is available at the time. The bottom line is even the TC5 is NOT the AWN432. I would buy that if I still could even though I have this Maytag.

There is also a Roper model with a dual action agitator that sells for less that gets good reviews.

Maytag could improve this model by adding half load options to the main cycles and by providing a water level selector. There are so many times I have more than a half load but not a full load. There is no true energy savings in ANY of these new DOE washers.

One way to save is to spin dry these clothes before placing them in the dryer. We need to move in directions like that instead of forcing designs that don’t work as well.

Post# 1086521 , Reply# 71   8/25/2020 at 15:24 (1,631 days old)
by Agiflow4 ()    

I have the Amana NTW4516FW3 that came with my new place and I was considering switching this out for the Maytag commercial washer but in the 2 months I have been here this Amnana performs very admirably and I am quite surprised by it's good performance.

The auto water level on Normal is hit or miss sometimes.You won't get a full tub of water on the Normal cycle. Maybe most about 1/2 to 3/4 and sometimes that is with a smaller load.

That is what I mostly have it set on is auto fill/extra rinse. It gets the job done well and don't take forever to do it.

The cool thing about this washer is that I can shut off the cold water valve when using normal cycle and it will just default and fill with hot but you will also get a hot rinse.

I thought these washers wouldn't allow for that ? I initially heard the hum from not getting cold water but then it just filled from the hot side. Works every time and if I am nearby i just open the cold valve for the rinse.

Pinkpower4 can your Maytag fill with hot water on normal if you turn off the cold line ?

Post# 1086523 , Reply# 72   8/25/2020 at 15:35 (1,631 days old)
by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)    

ea56's profile picture

I have the Roper RTW4516FW2 ( the sister ship of the Amana  NTW4516FW) and its  great!  The Normal cycle on auto sense, hot water wash is my go to setting.  Its not a water waster, but it does use an adequate amount of water to do the job its designed for well.   I just add the detergent and LCB if I’m using it and press start, and in 34 mins flat I have perfectly washed, rinsed and spun out laundry.  If I select the deep fill option, it fills to the very last row of holes in the tub and the turn over is just as good as any vintage TL.  And it NEVER fails to balance and spin.



Post# 1086524 , Reply# 73   8/25/2020 at 15:45 (1,631 days old)
by Agiflow4 ()    

Eddie I agree wholeheartedly.I don't miss having a manual water level control. I have watched many loads and it is like having an old belt drive again. I don't like that these shake when spinning but then again they don't have the added weight of a traditional transmission. If it lasts me 5 years it owes me nothing. I would buy one again .

Post# 1086525 , Reply# 74   8/25/2020 at 15:49 (1,631 days old)
by stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)    

stricklybojack's profile picture
. does not like the Roper RTW4516FW, maybe the Roper RTW4516FW2 is new and improved?
That said I don’t know if I agree with them about a whole lot myself, just putting it out there.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO stricklybojack's LINK

Post# 1086526 , Reply# 75   8/25/2020 at 16:02 (1,631 days old)
by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)    

ea56's profile picture

Agiflow4, I’d buy one again too.  Mine doesn’t shake while its spinning, its smooth as silk and pretty quiet too.  


As far as what thinks about it, I really don’t care.  The proof is in the pudding.  I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve made a purchase based upon a so called favorable review, only to be abysmally disappointed.


  I base my purchases now by reading several, sometimes hundreds of actual owner/user reviews of a product.  Those that own and use a product really know the pros and cons.  A paid reviewer has  maybe used the product a handful of times and comes up with their so called educated opinion. And IMO, Consumer Reports is no longer even worth the paper its printed on.  In its heyday they gave in depth reviews, not anymore.


I also firmly believe the fewer bell and whistles any appliance or car for that matter has, the better.  All that extraneous crap is just something else to break down, fail to do what its supposed to and disappoint the owner.  Less is more.





Post# 1086533 , Reply# 76   8/25/2020 at 16:54 (1,631 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

dadoes's profile picture



The last digit is engineering revision.  It starts at 0 and increments through production for minor revisions such as sourcing a switch from a different vendor or maybe a control board programming change such as not locking the lid during fill.  "... the Casual cycle left 101% of the rinse water in the laundry."


Post# 1086540 , Reply# 77   8/25/2020 at 17:50 (1,631 days old)
by Agiflow4 ()    

Eddie that's good to know.Mine doesn't shake excessively but it is noticable. My first VMW machine back in 2011 shook. I've never known these VMW designs not to shake.

I have thrown some very large loads in this washer and it has handled them without a problem. Coming from my Speed Queen AWN432 I don't miss that machine. I actually missed the porcelain coated tubs I had in previous washers and that I've used all my life.

Hey, these machines may not be the classic machines of yesterday but they hold their own
in this modern disposable society quite well .

Post# 1086543 , Reply# 78   8/25/2020 at 18:08 (1,631 days old)
by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)    

ea56's profile picture

Agiflow I feel the same way about porcelain tubs too.  And I’ve also washed very large loads without a hitch too.  I don’t do this often, but when I need to wash 2 King size pillows or a king size comforter, blanket or bedspread it handles these loads flawlessly on the Bulky cycle.


 And only once has it gone out of balance, while washing the rubber tub mat with the bathroom throw rug and waffle weave mat for in front of the tub.  The rubber tub mat bunched up, not an uncommon thing for this kind of load with any washer.  I just paused the machine, redistributed the load and it finished without a problem.


Last week on wash day I did 3 large loads in 2.5 hrs., thats washed, dried and folded.  Even with a spin speed of only 700 rpms, most loads dry in the same time as the next load takes to wash, 34 mins.  This is the kind of efficiency I look for in a washer.  We use cloth napkins everyday, and they always end up with salad dressing stains prior to washing them.  These napkins come out perfectly clean every time without a trace of an oil stain.  This machine just does what its supposed to do without any drama.



Post# 1086631 , Reply# 79   8/26/2020 at 06:00 (1,630 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

The Maytag mvwp575gw fills by alternating hot or cold. Unfortunately, I cannot just turn off the cold. It also has automatic temperature control. For the main cycles, this is a feature that adds hot water to maintain a minimum temperature for any setting other than tap cold. In other words, some hot may be added even if the temp is set to cold. However, it is also the feature that seems to limit a true hot setting for the Normal “eco” cycle too. If the incoming cold supply is above a certain temperature, the hot water valve won’t even kick on. This and maybe the software programming?

One of the cool things about this Maytag is how easy it is to access under the console. Remove two screws, and that’s it. In the beginning, the reviews I read said this washer had no true hot for any cycle. I tried relocating the thermistor so that it sensed air temperature instead of water temperature. I just used the knobs on the washer to fill with the desired amount of hot and then cold water. This worked for the Normal “eco” in the winter when the air temperature was cooler but not in the summer where the air temperature was warmer and above the threshold to activate the hot. I keep my AC around 80 along with ceiling fans, and I am sure the temp is probably a little warmer than that in the laundry room. The reviews were incorrect. This washer does have tap hot for the main cycles, so this setup was not always practical.

I sometimes will connect a Y to join the hot and cold and connect the combined line to the cold inlet valve. If you do not connect a hose to the hot, you can just set the wash temp to tap cold and control the temp using the faucets at the washer outlet box. You can run a hot line to the hot inlet valve too (and this is necessary if you want to run the clean cycle which calls for hot water from the hot inlet valve—see instructions in the tech sheet). Because there is a crossover from the joined line, there is no true hot unless you turn off the cold valve. However it allows one to use the knobs on the washer for most loads. Warm will be a little warmer, and rinses are warm as well. If I want a true hot, I need to remember to turn the cold valve off for the wash portion of the cycle.

Most of the time I wash in warm, but I really don’t need to rinse in warm. Since I am doing a lot more half loads now, I may go back to this setup. A warm spray rinse won’t use that much extra energy.

My setup now is the washer is installed per instructions with ATC enabled. I added a solid brass splitter with NO levers to the washer outlet hot. One hose runs to the back of the washer, and the other has a washing machine hose attached. I use a metal cap with a rubber seal to seal the extra hose when not in use. I start the Normal cycle and then pause it. I used waterproof tape to mark where the Normal cycle fill is. I turn off the hot water, uncap the extra hose, turn the hot water back on, fill tub, turn hot water back off, cap hose, turn hot water back on, and unpause washer. Depending on the level of water, it will either start washing or add some more cold. BTW, you can also top off a deep fill this way (but I have found the water to be adequate for the amount of clothes I consider a full load). I also use the extra hose to add hot water to my portable washer, which only has a cold line running to it and top it off since a full load only is half a tub of water.

This is why I say the regulations just weren’t thought out. How does less water save energy by restricting the tub fill or water temp when one has to do more loads because there is less water and add more chemicals because of the cooler temps?

One can also just restrict the cold water by partially closing the cold water valve using the washer outlet box faucet. The tub takes longer to fill, but you will get a very warm wash. I don’t know if this could damage the valves somehow???

With any setup, one needs to remember to turn the cold back on or unrestrict it. All rinses are cold.

When this washer is no longer fixable, I am watching to see what happens with thomasortegas’ washer machine line, The Laundry Alternative. I knew Eddie had the Roper I was referring to, so I will be watching for his reviews to see if this washer continues to perform well and reliably. Sounds like that model and similar are also hidden gems in the sea of true products that do not work well.

If you got tired reading this just know I am tired of jumping through hoops for clean laundry. I wish the people that passed these laws actually did their own laundry or took out their earplugs to hear what their significant other or housekeeper has to say. LOL.

Post# 1086662 , Reply# 80   8/26/2020 at 12:43 (1,630 days old)
by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)    

panasonicvac's profile picture
As a fan of Whirlpool myself, this just hurts to read. I will be looking into getting a brand new washer and dryer for my own home soon and I think I'm leaning towards on going for a TL. I'm already considering looking into getting a SQ TC5, I did however considered looking into getting the Maytag Commercial instead but the only things that made me want the SQ over the Maytag is that for one it can use straight hot water and two SQ has known to be very reliable. I would trust that the SQ would last longer than the Maytag but never I would've thought that the Maytag would already be having issues shortly after they would exit out of the factory. Another thing too is that I've watched this video between the Maytag Commercial and the SQ TC5. I was a bit worried that the Maytag would overheat on full loads with cold water since I'm looking into trying out some cold wash detergent to see which I would like better between that and the regular ones. But I wasn't sure if this video was ever accurate at all or not. Now after reading this thread, I guess maybe so.

Post# 1086782 , Reply# 81   8/27/2020 at 06:26 (1,629 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

My Maytag mvwp575gw has NEVER overheated. When used properly, this won’t be an issue.

It’s a wash. No pun intended. Neither washer passes this test. The SQ may not overheat, but the clothes do not get clean. Because the agitator is one piece and has short fins, it is able to spin freely in the center.

The Maytag has a two-piece agitator where the top and bottom move independently. It is actually trying to work the clothes down, in, and through the water. THIS is why it overheats. Although this wash action works betters on all types of clothing, it will work noticeably better on bulkier items.

To recap: The TC5 has half load options for all main cycles, no ATC, and is made more durable. Overall, it is my top pick because of those features and still washes well. Its design should last longer. Its life is limited by bearing or control board failure. SQ TC5 comes with a 3 yr. warranty. The consumer does not have access to these parts for cost and it is too costly to pay someone else to fix for them. This is probably a time-limited model. SQ has made it clear they are going forward with the TR series which is great office wear only. The TC5 is more expensive to start with and price varies greatly! In my area from around 1K to $1400 K. If you want a matching set, the dryer is priced higher with NO justification for that. If you want a great washer that will last at least ten years and probably more like 15 or 20, this is still the one to get if price is no issue. However, it is not the same quality as their tried and true mechanical models.

The Maytag mvwp575gw (or mvwp576kw) is my overall top pick for cleaning performance. It can’t be beat. If cleaning performance is your first priority, THIS is the to pick. It has upgraded parts compared to any other brand of residential washer. Buy the mvwp575gw from an independent dealer because it comes with a 5 year parts and labor warranty included in the price. It shares its parts with what Maytag considers its true commercial washer. Parts may be easier to find and cost less later for that reason. If you do smaller loads and need tap hot water, you will have to find a workaround. The bearings, control boards, and transmission are what will take this one out. With that said, I think it should last around ten years for someone who takes care of it. From what I understand the bearings on this model are easier to replace by someone that knows what they are doing, and the parts cheap! Pictures like those shown in the review may say a thousand words, but they don’t tell the whole story. Were these machines properly used? What detergents, bleach, etc, were used and were they used in the right amounts?

Post# 1086783 , Reply# 82   8/27/2020 at 06:45 (1,629 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

I am an extra small adult and do not sell or service appliance for a living. I found it super easy to tip this washer up toward the wall, prop it up, and fish out a chain that had started to exit out of the bottom of the washer toward the drain pump. You could even lay it on its side if needed to replace a belt, mode shifter, capacitor, etc.

The control panel comes off by removing two screws.

The front panel is also easily removable.

This washer was designed to make it easy to repair. I will definitely consider buying replacement parts for it as needed if they last a reasonable amount of time. It is true that a transmission and control board may cost half as much as the $750 I paid (with free delivery and setup). However, this is much less expensive and more convenient than a laundry mat. Since the motor is not a failure point, I will consider repair this option too. I may even try to replace the bearings. What have I got to lose? Those parts are super cheap if I have/can find the right tools to do it. It has worked great so far with the most annoying quirk being lack of a tap hot for that Normal Eco cycle which is also the ONLY cycle for half loads.

The matching Maytag dryer looks like a winner too. This set may not last as long as SQ but I think I can keep it going for about the same price in the end.

Post# 1086841 , Reply# 83   8/27/2020 at 17:03 (1,629 days old)
by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)    

panasonicvac's profile picture
Hi there,

Yes I would believe that the Maytag can actually clean better than the TC5. In fact, I've seen the video from Lorain Furniture and Appliance on YouTube about the comparison between the Maytag and the SQ. BTW Eugene if you're reading this, thank you for making those videos. I may not be an expert but your videos has definitely helped me learn alot more about washers and dryers.

Anyways, I think I would rather have reliability and straight hot water as long as the washer works like it should. I'm usually a clean person myself so I may not need something that would clean as well as the Maytag but I certainly wouldn't want something that would clean gentler as the TR series. Otherwise I may as well go for a FL. I'm actually curious though of where you've heard that SQ is moving forward with their TR series? I find it hard to believe that the TC5 would be going away anytime soon. Especially since that model was a game changer for SQ with the demand of going back to their old and tried design, also it actually cleans better than the TR series, and I've heard that it is now one of SQ's best sellers. I've also heard that the TR series would cost pennies more when it comes to energy use. I would imagine that SQ could come out with more classic models like maybe the TC3 and/or the TC7. Actually if SQ does happen to come out with maybe the TC7 similar to the 9 series or at least the 8 series (Maybe call it the TC6 with that one), I think I'd be sold right there.

Post# 1086928 , Reply# 84   8/28/2020 at 08:01 (1,628 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

It was my understanding that new regulations that took effect in 2021 would make the last year of production for the TC5 2020. I don’t know if that is still true.

SQ has tweaked its TR series this year but not touched the TC5. I think it would be great to offer variations of it!

My main point of posting is for those who cannot get the SQ TC5 for whatever reason (cost, availability, etc.) that this Maytag mvwp575gw seems to still be the overall second best residential washer for cleaning performance and durability. For tighter budgets, I would definitely look at the Roper and Amana models mentioned above. They should be easy to repair as well. The TC5 was not available until May 2019. I purchased my washer in the summer of 2018. The AWN432 were nowhere to be found, and the TR series wash action won’t work well for the different types of clothing I need to wash.

The sad thing is nobody builds appliances of electronics for durability or longevity anymore. I can buy three Ropers for the cost of a TC5 and have a washer that will work 15 to 20 years. When you add up the extra discarded appliances for every household, that adds up to a lot more waste :-(.

If you want the TC5, I would get it soon. There typically does not seem to be a lot of notice, and it seems best to purchase locally versus online for service issues later.

Post# 1086945 , Reply# 85   8/28/2020 at 10:37 (1,628 days old)
by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)    

panasonicvac's profile picture
Hi there again,

I guess I will have to wait and see of what's available when the time comes for me to purchase a matching washer and dryer. It wouldn't make sense for me to purchase the TC5 and DC5 now than later or otherwise they would sit in my storage shed and have the warranty expire cause it would be at least a few years until that happens. If the Maytag Commercial would still be in production around that time, I will ask my local dealer or repair technician to see if they would still be worth going for. Another alternative choice that I've also looked into is a commercial SQ TL washer like the SWNMN2SP115TW01 for example. From my understanding, it is supposed to be the same mechanically as their traditional TL washers. I think those would still be around because I don't think the TR series are even good enough to be used for commercial use.

I'm not sure if I even want to go for a Amana or a Roper, I hear mixed thoughts about them. Recently my brother and sister-in-law purchased a Maytag MVW7230HW and they seem to like it so far. That might be another choice that I could look into if a dealer or technician would recommend it. But again, I'll just have to wait and see.

Post# 1086953 , Reply# 86   8/28/2020 at 11:46 (1,628 days old)
by Agiflow4 ()    

I can say from personal experience about the Amana that it washes very well and works very well. Take that for what it's worth.

Post# 1086954 , Reply# 87   8/28/2020 at 11:55 (1,628 days old)
by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)    

ea56's profile picture

for the Roper.  It does just what its supposed to do and never fails to do it.



Post# 1086955 , Reply# 88   8/28/2020 at 11:58 (1,628 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

dadoes's profile picture
The referenced Maytag Commercial model, and the Amana and Roper are all cut from the same cloth.  They're all Whirlpool-family brands, VMW platform.

Post# 1086975 , Reply# 89   8/28/2020 at 14:37 (1,628 days old)
by Agiflow4 ()    

Correct Glenn. The Amana and Roper are just cheaper variants,..BUT you have more water level choices through auto fill.

Post# 1086976 , Reply# 90   8/28/2020 at 14:39 (1,628 days old)
by Agiflow4 ()    

I should correct "choices" rather there are more variables of water levels.

Post# 1087161 , Reply# 91   8/29/2020 at 17:32 (1,627 days old)
by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)    

panasonicvac's profile picture
I'm aware that Amana and Roper are both owned by Whirlpool.

I will admit, they both look like they can clean well. In fact since reading the last replies from above, I went to watch some videos of them in action. I was actually impressed with the performance. BUT, I would want something that not only cleans well but also last a very long time. Other than just washing and drying clothes, I've never taken apart a washer before. I have with a dryer before but that's just for cleaning lint out. As of now, I would be a bit uncomfortable taking apart a washer for repairing. I would really be bothered if either the Amana or the Roper would break on me within a few years of use as well as trying to repair either one. For the price that it's worth, I don't think I would want to waste as much for having a repair technician come over and fix it cause I could just buy another same washer for almost the same price. And I'd also rather not want to replace it with another one for multiple of reasons.

Anyways, I think I'm all in with going for the SQ TC5 and DC5 if it would still be around by the time I'm ready for my own set which I seriously hope that it will.

Post# 1087177 , Reply# 92   8/29/2020 at 18:13 (1,627 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Maytag MVWP575

combo52's profile picture

This MT washer that I mentioned earlier in this thread has eaten another transmission and will now be scraped in just over 4 years, the customer does not want to spend the labor to replace it again, also WP does not have any transmissions available anyway and they do not want to wait.


These MTs are not much better than the $500 Ropers and Amanas, WPs etc.


When you consider that a SQ TL washer is only twice a much it really is the best value  and when you consider the operating cost + twice the life span the SQ FL washer at around $1800 is the best value + SUPERIOR performance compared to any of these flimsy light weight TL washers.


John L.






Post# 1087477 , Reply# 93   9/1/2020 at 06:32 (1,624 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

I agree that this Maytag mvwp575gw is not made as well as the old models were and do not think it is a true commercial quality for that reason. I would be curious how the machine referred to was used and what/how much detergent, bleach, etc. were used for the loads. Honestly, the only issues like this (extremely short life and major failures) I have seen have been reported by a few on this board.

I agree that this Maytag mvwp575gw design is not as made as well as Maytag’s older models, but no manufacturer models are. Speed Queen comes the closest to their old models with its TC5, but even it has two control boards.

There are some issues here that need to be resolved. One is these ridiculous DOE requirements. At least this model still clean clothes and I can get around the one real quirk, which is no tap hot for the ONLY smaller load cycle. Not having tap hot available for the loads that require it in any model means more chemicals have to be used to achieve a similar result. There also needs to be an auto level water that works or a water level selector added to this model. MORE water is used at time instead of less because of this oversight. The ATC is a gimmick (just adjust your faucets if needed) and so are those control boards to satisfy these new regulations. It is also annoying for the tub to fill by switching back and forth from hot to cold. The only reason they do this is because of that unnecessary ATC sensor. Control boards and sensors cost more money so they had to find another way to cut costs because many consumers cannot or are not willing to pay $1K for a washer. I do think the cheaper build quality is more of trying to sell to the uneducated masses who would rather pay less initially. I don’t necessarily think it’s great for our environment to have to buy two or three washers for about the same price as one, but it is what it is.

I personally would have preferred the TC5 for the main cycles being available as half loads, no ATC, and tap hot for all of those cycles. It wasn’t available when I made my choice, and the price for that model ranges from $1K to about $1400 from the places I can get it from. Also, I don’t think the extra price for the matching dryer is justified. If the TR series is the only model that is available again later when I have to make my choice, I still will NOT buy it. I would rather have clean clothes and replace the washer more often because that is the choice *I* will have for the types of laundry I do.

However, I do think I will get at least ten years out of this Maytag model when properly used for residential use (although that will probably include a few minor repairs). I think I would get 15 to 20 years out of the TC5 IF the bearings last that long. I’ve said this many times. Consumers do not have access to the parts for cost and often cannot do the repairs themselves. Part of the “disposable” appliances is because of what repair people charge to fix them. Some also got this washer while they had the ten year parts and labor guarantee, but the consumer purchasing this model today only gets a three-year warranty.

This Maytag comes with a five year parts and labor warranty and has upgraded parts compared to their commercial technology line. This is a lot cheaper and more convenient than going to the laundry mat. In my opinion, it is still the overall best cleaning washer and the second best overall washer. If you don’t want or need the included warranty and use it properly, I think the Roper and Amana models with a dual action agitator would work well too. My advice to others is take the time to get your information from several sources and make the best decision based on your needs. Unfortunately, budget and availability will be a factor too.

Post# 1087494 , Reply# 94   9/1/2020 at 09:39 (1,624 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

dadoes's profile picture
Many washers nowadays seem to do it, but alternating between full hot and full cold on the fill process instead of mixing hot and cold together directly in the flume is clearly a bad design.  Some types of delicate items should not be exposed to a full-hot water spray.

Post# 1096821 , Reply# 95   11/12/2020 at 06:55 (1,552 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
MVWP575 MT Washer Failures

combo52's profile picture

The machine I mentioned in reply # 92 they decided to fix after all , it took almost 2 months for WP to get us a transmission.


This is the 2nd transmission with stripped gears and the shafts were so rusty that it also stripped out the plastic drive hub.


All WP built TL washers since 2010 with belt drive are not great machines and are usually not worth repairing.


Pictures of the 2nd failed transmission in the MT MVWP575 in less than 3 years.


John L.

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Post# 1096832 , Reply# 96   11/12/2020 at 08:48 (1,552 days old)
by lakewebsterkid (Dayton, Ohio)    
Water retention

When they are stating the value of 101% water retention, I am assuming they mean 101% more weight in the clothing versus when it was dry just before starting the load. So 8 pounds of towels before would weight ~16.1 pounds, so roughly a gallon of water remaining? Thats horrible. BUT, I do not trust Reviewed.coms testing procedures and results. They are nearly all over the place. Plus, now that they leave out the 'Science Results' page, I really do not take their info into consideration. Plus, when they test dishwashers they will find significantly different results between otherwise exact machines. Not confidence inspiring.

Post# 1096835 , Reply# 97   11/12/2020 at 09:02 (1,552 days old)
by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))    

Yeah, that is what that means.

Ugh, really depends.
Cotton's spun at 800rpm in a EU FL are said to be 70%

Post# 1097290 , Reply# 98   11/16/2020 at 15:23 (1,548 days old)
by chetlaham (United States)    
Pic #9

chetlaham's profile picture

What is that part? What does it do? Reply #33.


@John: Is there any way you can vlog these repairs? And take pics of the old appliances you take out of service?   


Also Reply #95: Can you tell me more about that DW underneath the transmission?

Post# 1097298 , Reply# 99   11/16/2020 at 16:16 (1,548 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

dadoes's profile picture
Someone will correct if wrong ...

1) I believe this piece (pictured upside down?) is part of the rotation & speed sensing process.

2) (bottom of the transmission) The mode shifter mounts to the bottom and has an optical reader that fits up into one of the slots (don't recall which) and around edge of the cog, monitors via the notches the rotation and speed of the transmission during spin ... keeps the lid locked until rotation stop.

  Photos...       <              >      Photo 1 of 2         View Full Size
Post# 1097336 , Reply# 100   11/16/2020 at 22:32 (1,547 days old)
by chetlaham (United States)    
Speed Sensing

chetlaham's profile picture

Thats probably it! I'm curious to know if the techs agree. And John, I'd like to see more pics of the DW underneath the last transmission you replaced. 

Post# 1097357 , Reply# 101   11/17/2020 at 07:08 (1,547 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    

combo52's profile picture

Yes that's the speed sensing wheel.


The DW was a MT RR belt drive, it came in with a broken belt, it was a fairly basic model in good condition.


It has now been crushed for scrap metal, 


John L.

Post# 1097546 , Reply# 102   11/18/2020 at 18:13 (1,545 days old)
by chetlaham (United States)    

chetlaham's profile picture

John, quite trolling "came with a broken belt, good condition, but crushed" You kill the spirit of this forum. I'd have gladly taken it in despite not doing thermal holds and needing 140-150*F hot water which I know you will use as an excuse not to rebuild and re-sell. Along with the classical "these were never good performing machines, what was Maytag thinking, lol" 


Post# 1097570 , Reply# 103   11/19/2020 at 00:46 (1,545 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Quite Trolling ???

combo52's profile picture

If you want to come out of the appliance closet I will be happy to give you [ or anyone else ] any of the appliances we are sending for recycling .


I see over 100 appliances recycled  every WEEK, we still see center dial MTs, GE FFS , WP-KM BD machines, and more porcelain tub KAs than I can even think about. Along with tons of cool newer stuff.


John L.

Post# 1097572 , Reply# 104   11/19/2020 at 01:07 (1,545 days old)
by Maytag85 (Sean A806)    

maytag85's profile picture
Whirlpool should have never bothered with those crappy belt drive HE washers that don’t even hold up. Surprised there hasn’t been any class action lawsuits against Whirlpool for making machines that are unreliable, and don’t work as well as the proven direct drive washers.

Post# 1097583 , Reply# 105   11/19/2020 at 05:32 (1,545 days old)
by chetlaham (United States)    

chetlaham's profile picture

Appliance closet? Not sure what closet you're talking about. Or that one even exists besides hiding my mechanical interests from most people.


Anyway, I'd start taking pictures and putting them up for offer before scrapping them. A week or as the dumpster is filling would be enough. You're area has some of the best stuff.


What about GE dishwashers? I know condos around here are next to Louisville's appliance park lol.   

Post# 1097589 , Reply# 106   11/19/2020 at 07:43 (1,545 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

dadoes's profile picture
The disposal issue has been discussed for years.  There are repeated instances of someone offering a notable machine and no takers ... for varying reasons such as distance, no workable transport method, lack of space, etc.

Post# 1097649 , Reply# 107   11/19/2020 at 17:24 (1,545 days old)
by chetlaham (United States)    

chetlaham's profile picture

It would make a museum of sorts. I'd love to see weekly update's of John's pile, and machines in good shape with money shots. The pics alone have value for me. Unique models, memories, a tally of what was common for that area, ect. Plus I'd love to see a machine and ask about it. Or have it set aside should I get serious about pickup.


I think John should make a Washarama type website. I'd be happy to make the captions ;)  

Post# 1097657 , Reply# 108   11/19/2020 at 19:42 (1,544 days old)
by Lorainfurniture (Cleveland )    
Junking appliances

The volume in which those of us in the business go through appliances is quite frankly mind blowing. I’m a small shop and I process more than 150 appliances per month. I could buy another that many but no space.

Like john, I too have passed on many wonderful machines just due to lack of space. Giving away a machine here is not always guaranteed. As mentioned above there are logistical issues etc.

Post# 1097663 , Reply# 109   11/19/2020 at 20:21 (1,544 days old)
by Maytag85 (Sean A806)    

maytag85's profile picture
I have passed up on quite a few older Maytag A806 sets and belt drives sets but I think there’s a reason for that and if I got those sets I wouldn’t have ended up with my 1963 RCA Whirlpool Imperial Mark XII set I picked up back in July of this year. One of THE nicest sets I’ve acquired so far and I’d post a picture but I’ve already posted a bunch of photos of it so far.

Post# 1097682 , Reply# 110   11/20/2020 at 06:18 (1,544 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    
Maytag mvwp575gw

I’ve had my Maytag mvwp575gw for about 2.5 years now with no issues so far. I’d be curious to know a little more about how that machine John did the second repair in such a short time is being used.

I am careful not to overload, use the correct amount of detergent, occasional bleach, and at least one tap hot load every week. For that to rust, it seems like there is not a good seal somewhere or maybe harsh chemicals are being used?

If I get ten years out of it, I’d be happy. Sad that my expectations have been reduced to that as the old ones would easily have lasted me 15 to 20 years (family) maybe more with lighter use over the years (single person or couple).

I keep watching the new stuff coming out. So far Laundry Alternative have caught my interest the most as what looks like it may be simple, basic, and work for my future needs.

Post# 1097693 , Reply# 111   11/20/2020 at 07:51 (1,544 days old)
by chetlaham (United States)    

chetlaham's profile picture

150 is not a whole lot. Take a picture of the good/rare stuff. Put them in the dumpster last. I wouldn't hold it for more than a week unless special conditions applied.


If I was near Alco I'd gladly volunteer to take pics of the stuff ready for scrap.     

Post# 1097708 , Reply# 112   11/20/2020 at 10:41 (1,544 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

dadoes's profile picture
Yeahbut, you're apparently not in the area ... which is the point of the distance and accessibility factor, right?  Perhaps you could move/relocate?

Post# 1097749 , Reply# 113   11/20/2020 at 18:24 (1,543 days old)
by chetlaham (United States)    

chetlaham's profile picture

Or rent a place and work at Alco. I'd love to see all the appliances in the Maryland/Delaware metro areas.

Post# 1153077 , Reply# 114   7/2/2022 at 04:50 (955 days old)
by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)    
Maytag commercial at lowe's

I saw the new Maytag Commercial at Lowe's. They felt cheap on the inside. The only thing that felt sturdy was the cabinet and belt.

Post# 1153084 , Reply# 115   7/2/2022 at 07:39 (955 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    
I have the Maytag mvwp575gw and now the TC5.

Maytag 575 has been without issues now for four years used for a family with pets. It is probably the second best build residential top load that can be bought (although the GE Commercial may be similar). It is very similar to the TC5 in what most people see and can test from the outside with the exception of the suspension. It is a hung suspension. The plastic outer basket is attached by rods to the four corners of the machine. For that reason the tub does move around. I have not had any issues balancing loads when like items are washed. If you want to wash an odd-sized item, balance it with something of equal size and weight. It really is that simple. Included in the price is a five year in-home parts and labor warranty. Much cheaper, cleaner, and more convenient than going to a laundry mat.

Where the TC5 feels sturdier is the suspension. It has a metal outer tub attached. Heavy-duty springs attach the bottom of the tub to the base.

The other issue not so easy to see is the difference in the gear case versus a real transmission.

With either washer, it is likely that most retire the washer at the point the gear case/bearings (Maytag) or bearings (SQ TC5) go out. One thing to note is there are videos that show changing a gear case and transmission out. Changing a gear case out seems much simpler. And guess what? It looks like it's easier to do the bearings too because the gearcase/bearings seems to be one part on the Maytag. That is interesting. Although I probably will not replace this when mine goes out as I won't have a need for two washers then, I plan to keep this washer in storage in case I cannot repair the SQ later and ECO restrictions have gotten worse.

In some places, the SQ TC5 is selling for $500 or $600 more than the Maytag 575. Most who take care of the Maytag are likely to see about 8-10 years possibly with a few inexpensive and minor repairs. Most who take care of the SQ TC5 are likely to see about 12-15 years possibly with a belt replacement. These are the numbers I see when browsing consumer boards and not boards like this where people can get parts for costs and know how to repair major issues themselves.

While the Maytag may not last as long, there may be a significant difference in cost making the Maytag a more attractive option for the family that is on a limited budget that needs something to work now and in the near future. The Speed Queen TC5 does have some more options for smaller loads, and that is why it may work better for a single person, couple, or family that needs the small load option. It also should have less frequent repairs. Though they are minor in the Maytag, some may not be able to do the repairs themselves. In some areas, the TC5 is not available or you have to be put on a waiting list.

This is what is sold today. Posts saying the Maytag is

Post# 1153085 , Reply# 116   7/2/2022 at 07:43 (955 days old)
by PinkPower4 (USA)    

"cheap" can keep a consumer from purchasing a washer that actually cleans clothes.

I would still purchase a Maytag 575 washer over a Speed Queen TR series (the agitub) even if the Maytag has to be replaced more often and would cost more in the long run. I value clean clothes. The Maytag 575 simply is a better choice for our family based on the type of loads we have.

Post# 1153098 , Reply# 117   7/2/2022 at 10:37 (955 days old)
by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)    

dadoes's profile picture
The only thing that felt sturdy was the cabinet and belt.
Jerome, you turned the display machine over to get a hands-on examination of the belt?

Post# 1153171 , Reply# 118   7/3/2022 at 09:23 (954 days old)
by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)    
maytag 576

Yes. I tilted the machine to get a feel of what the undercarriage was like. It looked just like the 575. I saw it at Lowe's.

Post# 1153209 , Reply# 119   7/3/2022 at 13:39 (954 days old)
by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)    
Removable Front Panel On MT Commercial Models

combo52's profile picture

Is just a sales gimmick, there is nothing you can really service with the front off and these models have a crappy frame because the front comes off and a lot of sharp edges of steel that will rust.


The one piece models are more rigid, These VMW machines are so light it is simple to just pull them away from the wall about 18" and tilt the machine back against the wall and replace or service anything under it.


On the models with the removable front I never brother to take the front off for repairs, its just more work.


John L.

Post# 1153235 , Reply# 120   7/3/2022 at 18:16 (954 days old)
by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)    

nmassman44's profile picture
I too wondered that do you know that the belt is better? Did you remove the cage that covers the belt, motor and pulleys? That would be the only way one would know about how the belt is...just sayin

Post# 1153239 , Reply# 121   7/3/2022 at 19:24 (953 days old)
by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)    
How I found out...

I gently tilted the machine back and put my hand under the machine carefully. The belt seemed to have more ribs, but that's as far as quality goes. The cabinet did feel slightly heavy.

Post# 1206728 , Reply# 122   6/1/2024 at 21:45 (254 days old)
GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)    
turning the display model over

I turned it over, more like tipped it back to see what it was made of. By the way, I think they just came out with the 585 model.

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