Finding Miele W1918 Drain Pump part to repair leak


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Thread Number: 88410

Tag: Modern Automatic Washers

Finding Miele W1918 Drain Pump part to repair leak
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Post# 1129699   9/26/2021 at 21:57 (1,256 days old)
by repairnotreplac (us)    

Hi folks,

I need advice/ help on how to figure out the correct Miele drain pump part number and buy a replacement for our old Miele Washer(W1918). We have a small leak (small drip/ seepage) after wash cycle. We had 2 different Miele technicians visit and say that the drain pump has to be replaced but it is not available and we need to just replace the machine. I got this screenshot from the Miele technician's laptop for the Drain Pump part#. I can't seem to find this.

We bought this W1918 washer & matched Dryer 9yrs ago from a lady in Craigslist. I learned about how understand and appreciate well-made machines from the Gardenweb forums (God I miss that and hate Houzz). The machines had never been installed, and we took care of it - good detergents like persil, no bleach, soft water etc. I really really don't want to give it up without a fight.. It is just not respectful

Clues thus far -
1) I searched in other forums and it looks like the Drain Pump could be a Hanning EW, T-Nr 4251 170 (120V, 60Hz) --> Can anyone help me confirm?

2) Ebay listing ( ). The seller shows the Mfg Part # 3568622

3)I got this link for a europeans parts seller online (

4) I grabbed this screenshot from a youtube video from a old GW forum which shows the drain pump number (

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Post# 1129703 , Reply# 1   9/26/2021 at 23:29 (1,256 days old)
by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)    

launderess's profile picture
Miele now considers W1918 and several other models from 19XX series "obsolete". That is production was discontinued and things have gone past the 15 years Miele promises to provide NOS parts.

Miele no longer imports parts from Germany for most if not all W19XX washers along with all W1070 and W1065. Whatever is in their warehouses is all she wrote, once that supply is exhausted that is that.

Sometimes a tech or authorized repair service may have stash of NOS parts that Miele can access, but if that option fails, then that's that.

Have a Miele washer older than yours and can tell you "your machine is old, replace it" is Miele USA's standard response when it comes to repairing older washers, dryers and other appliances.

That being said if one is clever and is willing to spend time and effort, there are ways to get around Miele.

While Miele does make many parts for their washers and other appliances in house, certain others are sourced from various vendors. Pumps for washing machines and dishwashers are one such part.

Hanning did indeed supply pumps for Miele washing machines, so you're on the right track.

Your washer is 120v/208 (240v)v, but IIRC very little under hood of Miele W1918 washers ran on 208v/240v. Pump runs on 120V which means anything from Europe or elsewhere in world at 208v/240v won't work.

You just missed a used W1918 pump on eBay.

Would this work?

Post# 1134350 , Reply# 2   11/23/2021 at 19:39 (1,199 days old)
by repairnotreplac (us)    
Finding Miele W1918 Drain Pump part to repair leak

Hi Laundress, I am looking at what the sellers are posting on ebay. Most seem to be from Australia or Latvia (go figure). If you look at the pics, you will see that the part number that the Miele guy showed us has 2 different numbers. Do you know what I should be searching for (ebay or other places)

Miele Novotronic W1918 Washing Machine
What is the correct number to search for the Drain Pump -->
In the screenshot below, should I search for
1) Part number 4251170
2) Material number 3719571 or 3719672

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Post# 1134355 , Reply# 3   11/23/2021 at 20:55 (1,198 days old)
by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)    

launderess's profile picture
3719571 and 3719570 appear to be same part. Miele has a habit of subbing part numbers as time went on, so maybe that is what went on.


Part #04251170 does seem to work as well.

Post# 1134360 , Reply# 4   11/23/2021 at 22:05 (1,198 days old)
Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)    

launderess's profile picture
One of better options is going to be joining rest of us with vintage Miele washers. Find another model like or similar to yours and buy as a parts donor machine.

There are aftermarket parts out there for certain Miele bits. Quality may not be same as Miele, but often one simply must accept what is on offer.

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