Thread Number: 80216  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Accessing Program and Service Mode on Miele TouchTronic W3038
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Post# 1041665   8/13/2019 at 22:58 (1,896 days old) by DirectDrive (Toronto, ON, Canada)        

After getting my hands on one of these in almost new condition, I naturally wanted to explore the hidden menus and saw lots and lots of online posts stating that these newer models were "locked down" by Miele and you could not access these menus on these machines. And in trying the method seen for the predecessor W3033, I tried it and yes, it did not work!

I reluctantly accepted this fact, until I played around tonight and successfully found both menus!

So, for any newer machine where holding START as you power it on doesn't work, try this as this is how to access the menus on a W3038...

1. Power the machine on
2. Open the door, and leave it powered on
3. Press and hold START
4. While still holding the START button, close the door
5. As soon as the START LED begins blinking, press START 3 times and hold on the 3rd to access the Service Mode menu, and 5 times and hold on the 5th to access the Program Mode menu.

I hope this helps others out there trying to get in to these menus!

Post# 1041669 , Reply# 1   8/14/2019 at 02:08 (1,896 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Perhaps one has a suspicious nature

launderess's profile picture
But you posted nearly exact same over two years ago now.

Post# 1041787 , Reply# 2   8/14/2019 at 22:24 (1,895 days old) by DirectDrive (Toronto, ON, Canada)        
Date stamps don't lie

@Launderess: I actually posted on that thread last night as well as starting this one to help people find this solution better.

I do know it was an old thread, another reason I started this one. Just trying to help the community here!

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