Thread Number: 82873  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
GE Filter Flo transmission rebuild help
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Post# 1070802   5/4/2020 at 12:48 (1,544 days old) by StuftRock1 (Kentucky)        

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Hello. I’ve been refurbishing my 86 Filter Flo washed and the last thing I have left to do is that transmission. I’ve never opened up one of these things before, and I honestly don’t know what to expect. It’s been leaking a little bit of oil too and I can’t figure out where it’s coming from. I haven’t opened it up yet since I’d rather wait until I am positive I have everything I need to put it back together without issue.

I plan to change the oil but it seems GE discontinued the specific oil they recommend. What type of replacement oil should I get? So far, the only replacement part I’ve ordered for it is a replacement gasket WH8X242. Is there anything else I need to get?

Is there anyone here who has experience working on these trannies? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Post# 1070808 , Reply# 1   5/4/2020 at 13:33 (1,544 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

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Check out this thread if you have not already. Or try the Searchalator

Post# 1070886 , Reply# 2   5/4/2020 at 21:14 (1,544 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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Is the nut on the pulley dripping with oil?

Either way, if you're planning on tearing it down to change the oil, you may as well drive a new WH8X281 seal in the bearing frame and replace the cork gasket, WH2X671, under the washer/nut for the pulley. Along with the ring seal you've already purchase you should be set. When you pull the tub you may see signs of oil leaking from the drive tube seal at the top of the transmission casing. Replace drive tub seal PN depends on the housing - metal PN WH8X318, plastic - PN WH8X347. It will be a bear to remove the basket hub if the drive tube is a rusty mess. You'd also need to pull the agitator spline, which can also be a good time. PN for the agitator shaft seal would be WH8X291 or WH8X291K.

As for the oil, 61-95 transmissions call for 88 oz of oil. If I were in your shoes I'd probably fill it with air compressor oil as that oil has proven to be pretty reliable with brake surfaces on Frigidaire washers. Otherwise, the 1951-1960 GE transmissions call for straight 40w oil. Both are fairly close in weight and are non detergent.

You could probably find a parts list out on the net fairly easily. I grabbed this copy awhile back when researching GE parts and it has come in handy several times. Covers the plastic housing 80's/80's transmissions.

Good luck!


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This post was last edited 05/04/2020 at 21:38
Post# 1070889 , Reply# 3   5/4/2020 at 21:21 (1,544 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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Have you considered just buying a new one? 

I used to fix these machines and back then these were about $50 if you traded in your old tranny. 

$75 without the trade.

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Post# 1071399 , Reply# 4   5/8/2020 at 15:59 (1,540 days old) by StuftRock1 (Kentucky)        

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Sorry I took so long to respond! Been a busy week and haven’t had time to mess with the tranny yet.

There doesn’t appear to be any oil actively dripping from the pulley shaft or anywhere else for that matter. Whenever I move it I just notice that there is about a teaspoon of oil on the ground and it’s all over the metal mounts in the undercarriage.

This is the large capacity tranny pn WH38x39 from 1986, which I am pretty certain has the plastic housing. I don’t really know that much about GE parts, so forgive me if I’m completely wrong on this, but that parts list if for the pn WH38M44 tranny. It looks the same as mine, but in my mind if it has a different pn then something is different about it.

Did the 51-60 trannnies use a different design than my 86, or would straight 40w oil be perfectly fine?

I did look to see if I could just replace the tranny, but I couldn’t find anything new with the same pn. The one I’ve got works perfectly fine, I’m only doing this as preventative maintenance, so buying a used tranny would be a bit counterproductive.

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Post# 1071403 , Reply# 5   5/8/2020 at 16:18 (1,540 days old) by StuftRock1 (Kentucky)        

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I also searched up all the parts you listed, and the only one I was unable to find is WH8x347 drive tube seal. Thankfully the other parts are still available so I’ll go ahead and get them ordered.

Post# 1071703 , Reply# 6   5/9/2020 at 21:41 (1,539 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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Hey there Sean,

You could probably use either straight 40w or air compressor oil. Both are non detergent and both should work fine with the brake.

I did a quick search on ebay and came up with a listing for a WH8X347 seal, in case you decide to change it out. The drive tube looks in great shape and should make removing the basket hub fairly easy.

Don't worry about the PN for the transmission being different than what you have. All seals are compatible as long as you match the drive tube seal to the housing material.

Good luck!


Post# 1072068 , Reply# 7   5/12/2020 at 01:44 (1,536 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

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When I replaced the pulley seal and oil in my filter flo I used a generic transmission oil for machinery...I don't remember the density-viscosity though I remember I picked it closer to the density of the original oil.
I will try to rescue info.
It had a terrible odour but was supposed to do wonders on gears.
Indeed it worked smooth and still do...
It was much more fluid than say what goes into a wp direct drive tranny.
And the double of it. Those ge trannies got lot of oil in them.
If it leaks from the pulley seal you can see as you will probably see oil sprayed into the cabinet.
I do not really remember about the lower cork seal in mine.
But i see you are refurbishing one so probably you did not use the thing yet but leak developed unused?
My tranny is the all metal one, even though it was from early mid 90s it had it all metal as I see many canadian made ff's had (mine was made in Canada) and including canadian made rim-flo sub brands like Beaumark.

This post was last edited 05/12/2020 at 02:16

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