Thread Number: 86799  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele W1 water level via service menu or physical adjustment?
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Post# 1113725   4/4/2021 at 19:28 (1,209 days old) by Sayn3ver (NJ USA)        

Just got my first set of miele appliances. The mid range w1 washer and t1 dryer.

I know a lot of documents online reference other brands and older models of mieles regarding either a water level adjustment in the service menu for older mieles or physically adjusting the pressure switch on other makes and models of washers.

Can the water level on the w1 series washers be adjusted up for the main wash cycles?

I work construction and it seems regardless of program my heavy duty sweat shirts and heavy weight cotton duck pants need more water added for a proper wash as they seem to remain dry.

Post# 1113753 , Reply# 1   4/4/2021 at 23:28 (1,208 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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For what it's worth there are videos and other information out there on entering service mode for Miele W1 washers. Most of these are from Europe and there is no promise will work on machines sold in USA.

Miele long got fed up with Americans going where they shouldn't (entering service mode), messing things about, then calling customer/tech support because they did something they shouldn't, now cannot get machine back to "normal" again.

Not sure when change was made but predates Miele W1 washers, (maybe 3xxx series?). By this mean there isn't or may not be anyway to raise water levels other than what is in standard programs.

Keep in mind Miele USA no longer provides any sort of tech support over telephone as in days of old. If you go into service mode and mess about, it will require booking a call out (for which you'll pay dearly) to have a tech set machine back to rights.

What you want to find is "programming" mode inside service menu or otherwise. This is the function I believe Miele has taken away or restricted on washers now sold in USA.

Post# 1113755 , Reply# 2   4/4/2021 at 23:37 (1,208 days old) by Brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        

With the W1s, at least outside of the US, water level has moved into the settings menu under water plus.

Looking at the manual for the WWF060 you can increase the rinse water height by default.

You could also select prewash first and extra rinse, the other option is to try using the sportswear cycle. The prewash should help to saturate things prior to the main wash starting. When you say things are dry, have you cancelled the cycle before the first spin and pulled them out? I’d be surprised if they weren’t fully saturated.



Post# 1113759 , Reply# 3   4/5/2021 at 00:54 (1,208 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Manual for WWFO60 gives directions for increasing water for rinses (see page 81)

See nothing about increasing wash water levels.

Have you tried experimenting with different cycles to see if any use enough water to get job done?

Post# 1113762 , Reply# 4   4/5/2021 at 03:27 (1,208 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
Dry a W1 Machine

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I have never had this issue in my machine.  Is it possible you are overloading the machine?  I always see water and a little suds running down the glass as the machine tumbles the clothes and I have never had clothes come out of the machine that were dry from not being washed.  If not overloading, I wonder if you have an issue with the sensor that determines how much water is needed.


Does your model have an option called Water Plus?  When you use this option it adds more water and an extra rinse.  However, it has to be set for each load. It can't be set as a default.  You can however, set an Extra Rinse as a default for every load in mine.  I found a couple of things in my user guide that might help if your machine has these options.  I don't find that I need the Heavy soiling option often because everything gets really clean in the Normal setting.  I've used the Water Plus option a few times and only because I wanted to see how much more water was added.  I find that the machine always adds the appropriate amount of water for the load.

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This post was last edited 04/05/2021 at 03:43
Post# 1113772 , Reply# 5   4/5/2021 at 08:16 (1,208 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Miele W1 power wash 2

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I often find mine refuses to take in extra water even when set to do so, and found the easiest thing to do was switch it off at the wall when switched back on it defaults to refill and thus takes in extra H2o.

Just my 2 pennyworth Austin

Post# 1113810 , Reply# 6   4/5/2021 at 16:03 (1,208 days old) by Jerrod_Six (Eastern Pennsylvania, USA)        

What program cycle are you using to wash these sweatshirts and pants? If you have the Wrinkle-free program you might give that a try. I know I said wrinkle-free, but it is for perm a press and whatever easy-care cotton is. The thing is this program will also wash cotton t-shirts and sweats and it will heat up to 140F. It seems to use more water in the wash and in the rinses(certainly more than the Normal Program) and I use it for sweatshirts all the time with an extra rinse selected.

As mentioned above you can also select max rinse level in the settings, and you will get higher rinse level(up into the door glass) water for every rinse. I use this when washing comforters, and really large items.

Post# 1116291 , Reply# 7   5/3/2021 at 20:17 (1,180 days old) by derrick352 (United States Of America)        

There is a "water plus" setting for main wash in the secondary programming menu. You may also set the washer to allergen gaining an extra rinse on some cycles and extra rinse adding another if used. I believe in the regular programming menu you can increase the rinse level there. These settings stick until changed manually. I have the W1 WWF060.

1. Power the machine on
2. Open the door
3. Press and hold START
4. Close the door
5. As soon as START begins blinking, press START 3 times and hold on the 3rd to get in to Service Mode, or 5 times and hold on 5th to get in to Programming Mode.

Post# 1116306 , Reply# 8   5/4/2021 at 05:40 (1,179 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

I will highly suggest not acessing the programming mode unless you have a machine with full text display (or the service manual for a machine with digit display).

At least on previous generations bricking your machine was easy when changing a wrong setting and on the digit display, you just don't know which setting is what.

Post# 1116308 , Reply# 9   5/4/2021 at 05:55 (1,179 days old) by derrick352 (United States Of America)        

The WWF060 has full text display. Furthermore hiding settings that are pretty basic and useful is ridiculous. Such as the water plus option and allergen. Even the factory default setting is hidden. Why have a feature even programmed when you cannot use it or access it.

I love my Miele W1. As set it is the best machine I ever owned. Other than the prewash to wash error issue (awaiting an update). Miele detergents are best, and no machine rinses better than this.

Post# 1187939 , Reply# 10   8/18/2023 at 20:15 (343 days old) by Sayn3ver (NJ USA)        

Update: the machine still uses an inadequate amount of water. Unless washing just a handful of t shirts and underwear and socks it never adds enough water. Back in 2021 I had accessed the service menu and upped every water plus and rinse water height option. The rinse water height is adequate thank goodness.

The machine I have doesn't have a towels or bedding option so it's either normal, sanitize, or extra white
For 8.0kg loads.

My work pant is the wrangler Riggs ranger in a 38x32. More than two pairs is a joke in this machine unless I stand there and dump several gallons in to the machine via the soap dispenser. These are thicker, double walled knee and shin cotton duck work pants. Without the extra water they just would be tumbling in the machine with no water. They are stiff and hardly wet out unless I manually add water or what I do on almost every load is to run the quick rinse to fill and adequately wet out a load then cancel.

Upon starting the next cycle it typically produces a water inlet fault.

If it's winter time and I wear an xxl thermal lined heavyweight cotton hooded sweatshirt and wash that the machine struggles with just the hoodie to wet that out. I can't just run a single sweatshirt in a wash as it'll never balance to spin out so I using run a single
Hoodie and two pairs of pants. But that's an absolute quick wash required pre wet.

The cycles I run won't allow an extra rinse with the pre wash and the pre wash triggers the intake fault.

Honestly it's better than what it replaced and we don't have any other option besides a compact stacked setup due to our small 750sqft home.

The dryer works well but all these eco water built machines are pretty terrible. I wish I had the time and money and talent to hack the firmware of the Miele and increase the wash water levels so the water at least comes up to the bottom of the glass on the door.

None of these machines are made for heavily soiled, full grown men's work wear. Anyone who is looking to purchase and has normal to large loads to do just stay clear.

I don't think it's asking much to be able to wash more than a day or two worth of work clothes. But that's all these machines can realistically can handle.

I'm tempted to finally hook up a hose of some sort to fill the machine from the sink instead of pitchers of water.

Post# 1187954 , Reply# 11   8/19/2023 at 04:43 (342 days old) by Mrlaundry1011 (South Wales, UK)        

Try the dark garments programme. That uses extra water by default, shame US models don’t have water plus as my model on darks with water+ fills past the bottom of the door for wash

Post# 1187980 , Reply# 12   8/19/2023 at 17:25 (342 days old) by Labboy (SD, CA)        

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It’s strange as I have a recent W1 and have been happy with the water levels. If you have the Miele App, you can select WaterPlus in the App as an Extra option.

For the work pants, you might consider the Outdoor cycle or Darks as others have suggested. I used Outdoor for some mattress pads and was really impressed with the amount of water and wash action.


Post# 1187981 , Reply# 13   8/19/2023 at 17:27 (342 days old) by littlegreeny (Milwaukee, WI)        

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I have absolutely zero complaints on the water levels in my WXR860. Water plus is an option in the app but I never have to use it.

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