Thread Number: 86966  /  Tag: Member Selling Item(s)/Non Professionally
Kitchenaid Hobart KDC-20 for offer
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Post# 1115397   4/23/2021 at 10:49 (1,190 days old) by HeidiFish (Harrison, NY)        

Hello all,

A year and a half ago we did a remodel in our kitchen and removed our Kitchenaid Hobart KDC-20, ML 41703, serial number 222730399 that had been in the house when we bought it. You all advised me not to get rid of it, and it has been sitting in my garage for all this time. The new dishwasher is not as good, for sure, but we mostly hand wash our dishes anyway, so it's been fine.

But now I would like to find a home for the Kitchenaid Hobart KDC-20. Before I put it on Craigslist, I'd like to offer it for free to anyone in this group who lives in the NYC area. We are about 25 miles north of NYC. Please contact me by cell (text preferred) at (917)359-4811.

I've linked to my original post in 2019 that has some photos from when it was in our kitchen.


Post# 1115788 , Reply# 1   4/28/2021 at 07:11 (1,185 days old) by HobartHero (New York)        
I’m your guy!

hobarthero's profile picture
I’d love to come get it if available!

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