Thread Number: 90
The DVD’s are Ready
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Post# 45184   9/15/2004 at 22:51 (7,453 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi everyone,

The DVD’s are ready to go. But I do want to stress again that the format for the DVD disks is the DVD-R format which will play on most DVD players made 2003 or later, but not all. Please check you DVD players owners manual to make sure it supports the DVD-R format. I have five DVD players in the house and the disks played on four of the five players, so the odds are good, but again please do double check.

I set up a special page for the DVD offer, you can access from the home page or from the link below.


Post# 45185 , Reply# 1   9/15/2004 at 22:58 (7,453 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

I sent my money already. I can't wait to see it.

Post# 45186 , Reply# 2   9/15/2004 at 23:18 (7,453 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
Mine will be on the way!!!!


Post# 45189 , Reply# 3   9/16/2004 at 00:31 (7,453 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

My check is in the mail as well!!can't wait to watch it!!

Post# 45195 , Reply# 4   9/16/2004 at 01:42 (7,453 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
woohoo ditto

Its in your e-mail Robert thanks alr2903

Post# 45198 , Reply# 5   9/16/2004 at 08:16 (7,453 days old) by lesto (Atlanta)        

I'm mailing you a check this afternoon!

Post# 45201 , Reply# 6   9/16/2004 at 11:52 (7,453 days old) by duetboy ()        
Count me in....

Count me in, the check will go in the mail today

Post# 45202 , Reply# 7   9/16/2004 at 12:10 (7,453 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
The DVD’s are Ready

peteski50's profile picture
Hi Robert,
I am going to send you my check I do not have pay pal
Also I only have a DVD in my computer - I hope it will work
Thank you,

Post# 45205 , Reply# 8   9/16/2004 at 15:51 (7,453 days old) by kenwashesmonday (Carlstadt, NJ)        

The dough is on the way!

Post# 45238 , Reply# 9   9/17/2004 at 08:44 (7,452 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
The Thrashing Pig is on its way

unimatic1140's profile picture
Thanks everyone for your support of our site! Yesterday's round of Paypal orders of the DVD's are going in the mail this morning. The they should be arriving early to mid next week.

I cannot wait to hear what everyone thinks of the "thrashing Pig"!

Post# 45241 , Reply# 10   9/17/2004 at 09:05 (7,452 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Plenty of Extras

unimatic1140's profile picture
I've been getting a quite few emails asking if me its too late to get a copy of the Wizard DVD, so I though I better post a message. I made plenty of extras just in case. So if there is anyone else who would like one there still are some left.

Post# 45245 , Reply# 11   9/17/2004 at 10:16 (7,452 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
That's good. I was away for a week and I wouldn't miss the DVD ofcourse. I don't know if it works on my computer (don't have a DVD player yet) but I want to have it anyway. Thanks for this great offer!

Post# 45248 , Reply# 12   9/17/2004 at 11:55 (7,452 days old) by Neptuneguy27 (Baltimore,MD)        
Check on its way

Mailing the check today. Cannot wait to see the thrashing Pig!

Post# 45251 , Reply# 13   9/17/2004 at 13:03 (7,452 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

Woohoo, can't wait to add it to my virtual collection.

A DVD takes up much less space than a real machine.

Post# 45304 , Reply# 14   9/18/2004 at 10:39 (7,451 days old) by JerseyMike ()        

I'm mailing a check today! I can't wait. Thanks, Robert!


Post# 45387 , Reply# 15   9/19/2004 at 18:18 (7,450 days old) by earthling177 (Boston, MA)        
One more, please!


Just back in town -- I'm gonna do the paypal thing right now.

Thanks for making it available!

Post# 45392 , Reply# 16   9/19/2004 at 19:29 (7,450 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
How Many Sold?

mrb627's profile picture

I would be curious to know how many DVD's have been sold/reserved?

What is the turnaround time on creating a DVD?

Can we expect a new release every other month or so?

Have you chosen the model for Volume II?


Post# 45410 , Reply# 17   9/19/2004 at 21:34 (7,449 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Malcolm,

Well so far I've receved 16 paypal orders for the DVD, but I'm sure some more will come in through the US Mail next week. I will let you know what the final count was after I get all the orders in and shipped out.

It takes about 20 hours of work to create the DVD, everything from setting up to editing to driving deep into the suburbs to have them duplicated to making out packages and getting them to the post office. I've learned my lesson about committing to any specific timed releases but if there is enough interest in these "Virtual Collections" I can continue making the DVD's. We can have a vote as to the next machine. What your top choice be?

Post# 45415 , Reply# 18   9/19/2004 at 22:02 (7,449 days old) by westytoploader ()        

The 1957 Lady Kenmore or 1951 GE!

Post# 45422 , Reply# 19   9/19/2004 at 23:13 (7,449 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

I second the idea of the '51 GE and the '57KN-The KN would be like what my grandmother had.Enjoyed watching it while visiting her as a little kid.

Post# 45423 , Reply# 20   9/19/2004 at 23:22 (7,449 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

The 57 LK would be FAB in all her lighted glory !

Post# 45442 , Reply# 21   9/20/2004 at 09:29 (7,449 days old) by lesto (Atlanta)        

I'm glad several of you boys agreee with my earlier suggestion for the 51 GE or 57 Lady as the next installment.

Robert, I mailed you my check for the Wizard video this past Friday so it should be there today or tomorrow.


Post# 45450 , Reply# 22   9/20/2004 at 13:05 (7,449 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        
Lady K all the way

I defintely want to have a good DVD of a vintage Kenmore in action. That will be like childhood memories for me.

Post# 45455 , Reply# 23   9/20/2004 at 15:00 (7,449 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
I would love a Pulsamatic DVD, but I remember Robert telling us that it pulses too fast to really capture it on video. That machine is the coolest by far...

The Hotpoint with the detergent dispenser would be cool.

Which GE to record? The early one with the amazing cooldown?

Post# 45459 , Reply# 24   9/20/2004 at 15:30 (7,449 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
GE is first

mrb627's profile picture
My first pick would be the GE. Then the Speed Queen. Then the LK.


Post# 45487 , Reply# 25   9/20/2004 at 20:49 (7,448 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
The Pulsamatic might work on a TV Set

unimatic1140's profile picture
No I believe I just might be able to capture the pulsamatic on DVD-Video though. It doesn't look right on a computer screen, but I think there is a good chance that it might work on a TV screen from a DVD! I will have to experiment.

Post# 45814 , Reply# 26   9/26/2004 at 17:25 (7,443 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
What about the Philco? That looks like an awesome machine for the DVD project.


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