Thread Number: 94081  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POD 8-16-23 APEX Automatic Washer with Spiral Dasher
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Post# 1187747   8/16/2023 at 16:45 (345 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Has anyone ever seen this automatic washer or had any experience with it? It seems like a saner approach than the bouncing basket. Thank you.

Post# 1187761 , Reply# 1   8/16/2023 at 17:12 (345 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Apex automatic washer

combo52's profile picture
That thing just screams cheap, can’t imagine one lasted long enough for anyone to have any real experience with it, did Consumer Reports ever test it?

Post# 1187786 , Reply# 2   8/16/2023 at 18:40 (345 days old) by jamiel (Detroit, Michigan and Palm Springs, CA)        

jamiel's profile picture
Wasn't this the design that Wards used for their TLs in the late 50s? Fiberglass tub and separate aluminum agitator? They were ride-or-die Westinghouse, but not everyone wanted a FL.

Post# 1187798 , Reply# 3   8/16/2023 at 21:00 (345 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

I guess this was the first major appliance company for what was to become WCI. Several years before they bought Gibson, Kelvinator, Hamilton, Westinghouse, and Frigidaire.

Post# 1187805 , Reply# 4   8/16/2023 at 21:39 (345 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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Down the AW memory hole, there are a couple of threads about these washers --



Post# 1187809 , Reply# 5   8/16/2023 at 22:47 (345 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Thank you, Greg.

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