Thread Number: 95154
/ Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Green as Neutral and White as Active |
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Post# 1198024   1/26/2024 at 22:13 (356 days old) by chetlaham (United States)   |   | |
Post# 1198025 , Reply# 1   1/26/2024 at 22:47 (356 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)   |   | |
Post# 1198031 , Reply# 2   1/27/2024 at 00:43 (356 days old) by chetlaham (United States)   |   | |
I'm thinking of major appliances like the BD Whirlpool in this thread: The wires hot wires for the motor, tub lamp, solenoids, ect are mostly white, while the common neutral for the suds valve, water valves and wig-wags is green. While in the NEC does not apply internally to home appliances, I am wondering what color code standard manufacturers followed in the 50s and 60s and why it wasn't harmonized like it is today. |
Post# 1198054 , Reply# 3   1/27/2024 at 09:50 (356 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)   |   | |
Post# 1198111 , Reply# 4   1/28/2024 at 01:17 (355 days old) by chetlaham (United States)   |   | |
Here is another example of a vintage dryer where green is used as a live current carrying conductor. You're right, there was no standard. Being able to pick any wire color sounds so fun to me. :) You're own standard- and your own work of art- makes for a sweet color scheme. Lucky Maytag employees. I'm getting ideas already. |
Post# 1198150 , Reply# 5   1/28/2024 at 15:03 (355 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)   |   | |
“Norge washing machines all the wiring was white”
Sounds like that would be a pain to figure out what goes where if you had to replace something or dismantle it for a servicing etc. Probably would use electrical tape in different colors (if that was a such thing back then) as some sort of reference on how it all goes back together. I think one of the reasons why they went to all color coded wires is it’s much, much easier to identify what goes where and how to put it back together. |
Post# 1198160 , Reply# 6   1/28/2024 at 15:57 (355 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)   |   | |