Thread Number: 83329  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
One Washer, 7 Agitators.
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Post# 1076513   6/9/2020 at 22:03 (1,508 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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In a day or two, I will be uploading a few vids on this machine on Youtube doing 6 min wash, 8-10 lbs. load with half water level to see which agitator has the best rollover for its time.

The detergent dispenser is not working but the machine is still fully functional and I will not move the water level to suit the load.

It's been a while for me to upload videos and getting the lighting right is a little tricky in a dank garage.

It's time for a little fun.


Starting with:


Dual Action Agitator



Double Duty Surgilator


Super Roto Swirl

Straight Vane


*The Famous Straight Vane is not in the photo.


Maybe in the future, I will do a fully loaded 18 1bs. videos.





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Post# 1076516 , Reply# 1   6/9/2020 at 23:10 (1,508 days old) by Laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        
Very nice.

laundryboy's profile picture
Love this. Can’t wait to see the videos.

Post# 1076520 , Reply# 2   6/9/2020 at 23:55 (1,508 days old) by Ultramatic (New York City)        

ultramatic's profile picture



Yay Larry! Looking forward in seeing the videos!

Post# 1076574 , Reply# 3   6/10/2020 at 11:42 (1,507 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Fantastic idea! I’d say this is definitely a Top 10 AW must-see comparison test. Looking forward to it.

Post# 1076578 , Reply# 4   6/10/2020 at 12:01 (1,507 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

I'm looking forward to this too!


From the looks of things, my money is on the Surgilators.

Post# 1076594 , Reply# 5   6/10/2020 at 13:05 (1,507 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        

LOVE IT!!! Three of my aunts had the '77 Dual-Action...'74 Surgilator and the '80 Penta-Vane agitators. My grandmother had the '70 gold Super Roto-SWIRL and my mom had the '72 gold Straight-Vane and '85 Double-duty Super Surgilator agitator...Looking forward to the videos! BTW, what is your YouTube name?

Post# 1076603 , Reply# 6   6/10/2020 at 13:37 (1,507 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Agitation is

making me something! Seven, like seven sisters, etc.. Lucky 7? Dirt messed with the last generation.

Post# 1076606 , Reply# 7   6/10/2020 at 13:45 (1,507 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

One of my neighbors got a Kenmore BD around 1985 (replaced the '72 Kenmore 800), and for some reason didn't like the Dual Action agitator. She had it replaced with a Whirlpool Super Surgilator and was satisfied. She got a new Kenmore washer around 2010, but I don't know what agitator it has.

Post# 1076611 , Reply# 8   6/10/2020 at 14:23 (1,507 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture



Great to hear that all approve.

I have a major water condition (High Iron) and my town has installed a new filtration system so every 3 weeks the water is oily brown looking, yuck! 

Just bear with me as soon as the water quality improves.



Post# 1076613 , Reply# 9   6/10/2020 at 14:33 (1,507 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture



Reply# 5


Harry, yes it is!


We all will be surprised that one of the 7 is a "Debby Downer,"

I'm not telling which one but it is a real shocker, oh the suspense...

Post# 1076614 , Reply# 10   6/10/2020 at 14:43 (1,507 days old) by Hippiedoll ( arizona )        

hippiedoll's profile picture
looking forward to seeing the videos with the different agitators. I am not familiar with any of the other agitators except for the dual-action (because my mom's newer Whirlpool, and Maytag we used to have), and the Surgilator (i don't think mom's mid-70's Whirlpool agitator had the 3-winged skirt at the bottom [but not positive]).
So I am definitely looking forward to seeing the different agitators wash action!

Post# 1076633 , Reply# 11   6/10/2020 at 17:09 (1,507 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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Your mom probably had the Super Surgilator since it was a 70's model, they are so much fun to watch!


Sears Kenmore had a great history of providing different agitators over the years and

Whirlpool technically had 4 agitators, the Straight Vane, Surgilator, Super Surgilator, and the Double Duty Surgilator.



I need help in the orders in which KM agitator 1st to last, my memory is shot.


Straight Vane

Roto Swirl






Dual Action



BTW, about my well water woes E-mail notice:


A disturbance in the water system was repaired earlier today. Residents may experience low water pressure and discoloration. 

Please refrain from using appliances that use water until later when the discoloration subsides. Please conserve water.  The water tanks are very low at this time. 

Thank you.

Mayor LoFranco





Post# 1076643 , Reply# 12   6/10/2020 at 18:58 (1,507 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Penta-Vane and Penta-Swirl came into play for 18# capacity machines in the 1970s.

-Vane for lower models.  -Swirl for upper models.

Post# 1076656 , Reply# 13   6/10/2020 at 21:44 (1,507 days old) by Laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        
Straight vane.

laundryboy's profile picture
I’m really curious what the straight vane looks like. I can’t picture it for the life of me.

Post# 1076668 , Reply# 14   6/11/2020 at 02:19 (1,506 days old) by toploadloyalist (San Luis Obispo, CA)        
Straight Vane

For the most part, the Straight Vane was like the Roto-Swirl without the swirls. That's what my early 70's Kenmore had.

Post# 1076669 , Reply# 15   6/11/2020 at 02:20 (1,506 days old) by toploadloyalist (San Luis Obispo, CA)        
Roto-Swirl vs Super Roto-Swirl

Was the Super Roto-Swirl the thicker version of the regular Roto-Swirl?

Post# 1076680 , Reply# 16   6/11/2020 at 06:47 (1,506 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        
Reply #15

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No. The super Roto-Swirl is pictured in the above group of agitators in the middle of the top row. The original Roto-Swirl is the one some call pregnant.

Post# 1076684 , Reply# 17   6/11/2020 at 07:18 (1,506 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Old thread discussing the Roto-Swirl vs. Pena-Vane & Penta-Swirl vs. Dual-Action.

Discussing the regular-capacity 'pregnant' Roto-Swirl and Super Roto-Swirl vs. a super-sized Super Roto-Swirl for 18lb machines.

Discussion on Roto-Swirl vs. Super Roto-Swirl (scroll down to Reply #11 from KenmoreGuy64/Gordon).

Roto-Swirl vs. Roto-Flex (and bunches of other discussion).

Post# 1076687 , Reply# 18   6/11/2020 at 07:51 (1,506 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        

Here's a pic of the '70's Straight-Vane agitator

  View Full Size
Post# 1076688 , Reply# 19   6/11/2020 at 08:05 (1,506 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        

And, here's a pic of the maybe late 50's to '60's Straight-Vane agitator...Actually, I think this one does a much better job rolling over the load than the '70's style

  View Full Size
Post# 1076690 , Reply# 20   6/11/2020 at 08:30 (1,506 days old) by laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        
Late 50's agitator

laundryboy's profile picture
I remember by aunt had a Kenmore with that agitator in it, I would love to find one,
Thanks for the pics

Post# 1076707 , Reply# 21   6/11/2020 at 11:06 (1,506 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        


Post# 1076720 , Reply# 22   6/11/2020 at 12:57 (1,506 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
Too bad....

firedome's profile picture
that one of the best agitators ever for rollover at partial fill levels can't be tested in that machine...the FD 1-18 JetCone!!

Post# 1076733 , Reply# 23   6/11/2020 at 16:04 (1,506 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture



I sure wished I never got rid of the Super-Roto-Swirl for Large Capacity machines when I was so young.

That thing was a monster in size.


Photo from 5-7-2009-20-37-0--Kenmoreguy64

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Post# 1076745 , Reply# 24   6/11/2020 at 17:50 (1,506 days old) by toploadloyalist (San Luis Obispo, CA)        

I never noticed those "skirt" labels.

Post# 1076773 , Reply# 25   6/11/2020 at 21:37 (1,506 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        

The Super Roto-Swirl is just an AWESOME agitator, those spiral ramp vanes FORCEFULLY PLUNGES the clothes down into the tub...even big provides great usable capacity ability...I can't wait to see it action in this big tub...Oh yeah, what is your YouTube channel name?

Post# 1076804 , Reply# 26   6/12/2020 at 10:41 (1,505 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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It's CleanteamofNY

Post# 1076876 , Reply# 27   6/12/2020 at 18:14 (1,505 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        


Post# 1076961 , Reply# 28   6/13/2020 at 12:59 (1,504 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Here's the link to Larry's video's on Youtube:

CLICK HERE TO GO TO foraloysius's LINK

Post# 1077049 , Reply# 29   6/14/2020 at 07:25 (1,503 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture



The water quality has improved so filming can start today and will notify when videos are uploaded.

The water looks like 10 teabags in a quart of water to weak pee when it starts to clear up.

Man, I hate this area...

Post# 1077498 , Reply# 30   6/17/2020 at 08:03 (1,500 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        
I'm not cating a break

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Our Water Dept has begun to flush the Water Mains in your neighborhood. This is done to maintain the quality of your drinking water. It is anticipated that the flushing will be completed by 2:00 pm today. During this time you may experience low water pressure or discoloration. If your water is discolored please run the water until it runs clear. Please refrain from using appliances that uses water until later this evening or tomorrow.


If you have any questions and or concerns please contact my office at 845-496-5223 ext 1.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Rob Jeroloman
Town Supervisor

This e-mail has been sent to you by TOWN OF BLOOMING GROVE.

Post# 1078057 , Reply# 31   6/20/2020 at 23:40 (1,497 days old) by 70series ( Connecticut.)        

I thought the gold str8 vane did better with turnover, although they were both fairly neck and neck. The gold one is very splashy on small loads.

Post# 1078218 , Reply# 32   6/22/2020 at 09:42 (1,495 days old) by lakewebsterkid (Dayton, Ohio)        
Super RotoSwirl

I have always loved the wash action of the RotoSwirl agitators. I really wish that the newer direct drive machines actually had them as either an option or with certain models. The wash action really does move the entire load in numerous directions instead of just rolling it over and supplying the wash action at the base of the agitator.

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