Thread Number: 83754  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Maytag timers & misc questions
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Post# 1081151   7/15/2020 at 13:41 (1,559 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Good afternoon, all...

Has anyone had any success in rebuilding MT timers themselves. The timers I need are long NLA. LAT9800 was DOA when I got it a few years ago, and now my Fabric-matic LA8650 has a dead call-to-fill circuit that is originating in the timer. The machine works fine - timer advances normally - with manually filling it (I give GREAT spray rinses).

The LAT9800 is being parted out, but thought I would ask about its timer one more time.

Is there a difference between a single speed motor and a 2 speed? The LA8650 would be perfect as a 2 speed/4 combinations washer.

Thanks guys!

Post# 1081156 , Reply# 1   7/15/2020 at 14:16 (1,559 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
Timer for the LAT9800 is 207371. There are two used timers available on Ebay.

Timer for the LA8650 is 207377. There is one NOS and one used timer available on Ebay.

Post# 1081181 , Reply# 2   7/15/2020 at 20:31 (1,559 days old) by LowEfficiency (Iowa)        

lowefficiency's profile picture
Yep - people do service them. There are a couple good threads on here about it, I'll see if I can find them.

The Kingston style in particular are pretty easy to take apart, and you can see right away if the contacts are pitted.

Post# 1081183 , Reply# 3   7/15/2020 at 20:36 (1,559 days old) by LowEfficiency (Iowa)        

lowefficiency's profile picture
Here we go:

"A806 Timer Repair."

"1-18 timer disassembly"

Post# 1081264 , Reply# 4   7/16/2020 at 13:53 (1,558 days old) by pdub (Portland, Oregon)        
Thank You Dave!

pdub's profile picture
Appreciate the links to these great tutorials.

Post# 1081320 , Reply# 5   7/16/2020 at 22:30 (1,558 days old) by LowEfficiency (Iowa)        

lowefficiency's profile picture
Sure thing!
I think there is a Mallory timer disassembly thread somewhere on the forum too... my searches aren't finding it at the moment though.

Post# 1082715 , Reply# 6   7/27/2020 at 19:37 (1,547 days old) by peterh770 (Marietta, GA)        
Thank you, Dave

peterh770's profile picture
That info looks useful. Will see if I can get to applying it to mine shortly.

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